Take 2 Thursday: Is Your Motivation Lagging? by Penny Rader

Those who pursue creative interests are more than aware of the role motivation plays in the process. We love it when our brains and bodies want to throw themselves full force into the work-in-progress. It means inspiration and all-out forward progress.

But what about those times when motivation disappears? For writers, this can mean silence when you seriously need to rack up words on the page. A few of the tactics I turn to are:

1. Music ~ Each of my characters have a theme song, and I can often connect with them by playing it over and over on repeat.

2. A walk ~ Okay, I’ll admit this is usually  my last choice, but it works really well. Fresh air rejuvenates and clears the head, leaving room for creativity to enter.

3. Brain Drain ~ Sitting down with blank pages and just getting everything on my mind onto those pages helps me move past the clutter. Once I have it written down, I can ignore it for a while and move on to the important stuff.

But I’ve found there are dozens of ways to help writers move past their lack of motivation, and they’ve been compiled in the post Is Your Motivation to Write Lagging? by Penny Rader. I hope you find it as inspiring as I do!


About the author: daniwade6565

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  1. Mama Meme - November 12, 2012 Reply

    Autumn is like a cool, smooch on the cheek from Mother Nature, with a promise that spring will come again. It allows you express a gentle goodbye to summer. Autumn is riotous collage of red, orange and golden leaves floating, blowing, crunching everywhere in a kaleidoscope of intense of color. It’s the scent of nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon in the air. Pumpkin bread. Succulent turkey. The taste of tangy crimson cranberry sauce.

    Autumn is the time to curl up with a good “who done it” book. Or maybe with a tender romance, or a powerful supernatural with the hard chiseled Vampire lead, I love all genres. It’s moving from the porch swing or from the window seat, relocating to my just “Febrezed” antiquated recliner that creaks and groans like my knees and back every time I sit in it. Fall is the lazy season of life.

    I want to thank all those who made the Autumn Harvest Blog Hop a success and also for the opportunity to discover new authors. Thank you!

    Gail djgandyfan@gmail.com

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