Take 2 Thursday: Warrior Writers

Life lessons are everywhere. I’ve always been a big reader, and enjoy finding inspirational material, whether its in a card, blog post, book, or a song. Pee on Electric Fence There’s a wonderful website for authors run by Kristen Lamb called Warrior Writers. She’s funny, irreverent, and very insightful. Though her posts are aimed at authors, some of them apply to life in general. One I’d love to share with you is her recent 5 Tips for Long-Term Writing Success! Yes, its about writing, but these 5 tips apply to a lot of life’s challenges. Check her out. I promise you’ll enjoy it! Dani  

Take 2 Thursday: Juggling Life & Dreams

I think, no matter whether your dream is writing a book, being a photographer, being the best mom and wife you can be, or going back to college, every woman has a dream. We all struggle to balance our dreams with the demands of every day life. That's why I enjoyed this post on The Romance Troupe about one author's inspirational struggle. She has a tremendous load to carry, but still doesn't give up on her dreams. The Romance Troupe, writers, romance, dreams, life I hope you find it as inspirational as I did! Dani

Take 2 Thursday: How Not to Let Your Writing Make You Crazy by Fiona Paul

As a writer, I love my job. As a woman who can be a little high-strung, who juggles a full-time job and family, I worry about being able to give my best to my writing and not letting it be the thing that drives me over the edge. I found a cool post on Twitter by YA author Fiona Paul, where she gives tips on not letting your writing drive you crazy in 2013. Funny and informative! If you feel your moods swinging and reactions to little things a little on the grumpy side, you'll find this blog post as helpful as I did.   http://fionapaulbooks.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-not-to-let-your-writing-make-you.html

Take 2 Thursday: ADD, Word Count & Why Dead Bodies Are Good for the Living by Kristen Lamb

[caption id="attachment_253" align="aligncenter" width="228"]Happy Thanksgiving! From My Family to Yours[/caption] As an author, I'm on a slow learning curve when it comes to social media (blogging, Twitter, Facebook, etc) and how to use it to connect with readers, fellow authors, and industry professionals (and I truly mean connect, not bombard with promotional posts). I'm not the best at it, but I'm truly trying to figure some aspects of it out. I'm an introvert, but also enjoy social interaction. The perfectionist in me wants to do it RIGHT (or at least, not embarrass myself in public). In my search to learn all I can, I've been reading a blog by Kristen Lamb that is absolutely invaluable in this area and many other aspects of a writer's journey. The post I'm sharing with you today is about rest. If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you might have seen that this is a problem area for me. I want to rest, but then I feel guilty about resting because I should be DOING something during that time. But Kristen discusses what I've long suspected and struggle to absorb: sometimes stopping to rest means farther progress in the long run. Check it out! http://warriorwriters.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/add-word-count-why-dead-bodies-are-good-for-the-living/ Dani

Take 2 Thursday: Is Your Motivation Lagging? by Penny Rader

Those who pursue creative interests are more than aware of the role motivation plays in the process. We love it when our brains and bodies want to throw themselves full force into the work-in-progress. It means inspiration and all-out forward progress. But what about those times when motivation disappears? For writers, this can mean silence when you seriously need to rack up words on the page. A few of the tactics I turn to are: 1. Music ~ Each of my characters have a theme song, and I can often connect with them by playing it over and over on repeat. 2. A walk ~ Okay, I'll admit this is usually  my last choice, but it works really well. Fresh air rejuvenates and clears the head, leaving room for creativity to enter. 3. Brain Drain ~ Sitting down with blank pages and just getting everything on my mind onto those pages helps me move past the clutter. Once I have it written down, I can ignore it for a while and move on to the important stuff. But I've found there are dozens of ways to help writers move past their lack of motivation, and they've been compiled in the post Is Your Motivation to Write Lagging? by Penny Rader. I hope you find it as inspiring as I do! http://warawriters.blogspot.com/2012/10/is-your-motivation-to-write-lagging.html

Take 2 Thursday: Why Do You Write by Cynthia Justlin

This week I read a blog that served as a huge wake-up call for me as a writer. There are so many things that become a distraction to the joy of writing once you decide to pursue publication -- critiques, pressure, questions, rejections, other people's opinions, deadlines. It can get really hard to retain that connection with the process of creating, especially when combined with internal worries and self-doubt. [caption id="attachment_154" align="aligncenter" width="214"] Why do YOU write?[/caption] Cynthia's very simple solution is a great reminder to writers to "check in" when the joy gets lost in the seas of chaos. Check it out! http://www.rubyslipperedsisterhood.com/why-do-you-write/   Dani

Take 2 Thursday: Saving Myself by Heather McCollum

I've had the privilege of being a part of the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood since my Golden Heart (R) final in 2009. These wonderful ladies shared that same excitement and honor with me that year, and have created an outstanding blog that encourages, teaches, and empathizes with fellow writers and women. Today's post is an incredible account of how 1 Ruby Sister helped heal herself emotionally and physically during her battle with Ovarian Cancer through writing. September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and her story is 1 of the most inspiring I've read in a long time. This is a must read for all woman and writers! [caption id="attachment_159" align="aligncenter" width="223"] Author Heather McCollum[/caption] http://www.rubyslipperedsisterhood.com/saving-myself/

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