Gettin’ My Groove On

Proposal is IN! It’s Party Time! Just kidding! Last week, I finished my proposal for Zach and Sadie (Mill Town Millionaires Book 4) and got it sent to Awesome Editor. Next in the pipeline is Small Town Secrets Book 2, before Zach and Sadie’s full is due later this year. DSCN0675 But before that, I get to take a week off from writing. I try to do that between projects to “refill my well”. I still do lots of business stuff, but creatively I let myself off the hook. What do I replace it with? Oh, exciting stuff like cleaning house (it gets really messy on deadline) and watching TV/Movies. I also go on the hunt for new music. As you know if you’ve read my blog for long, music is a powerful fuel for my creativity and each of my characters have “theme” songs. But after a while, I get tired of what I’ve been listening to and need fresh tunes! So I fill up an iTunes card and go hunting… iTunes card, music, refill the well, While I’m refilling the coffers, I’d love for y’all to share some of your favorite music (new or old) with me! I’ll pick 1 commenter to WIN an iTunes card by Friday. Dani

#amediting-Mill Town #3

edits, editing, romance author   Yep, I'm in the final stages of my personal edits for Luke and Avery's book (Mill Town Millionaires Book 3). It's taken a bit longer than expected. When I went to turn it in, I realized I was about 5000 words over word count.  O.O Per Awesome Editor's instructions, I'm working to cut several thousand out now, then we will cut more during Editor Revisions. What are Personal Edits, you ask. Well, my drafts are never very clean, so I edit them once before they go to Awesome Editor in the first place. Then I go through it again when he sends me his notes (I call this Editor Revisions). Then there are Line Edits. And then--once more after the copy editor is finished. Oh my! It gets tedious, but I do my best work in revisions (and both my editors are awesome when giving directions!), so I endure so the story turns out the best it possibly can. So there's where I am this week.  :) Pray for me--I may need it! Dani

Take 2 Thursday: Warrior Writers

Life lessons are everywhere. I’ve always been a big reader, and enjoy finding inspirational material, whether its in a card, blog post, book, or a song. Pee on Electric Fence There’s a wonderful website for authors run by Kristen Lamb called Warrior Writers. She’s funny, irreverent, and very insightful. Though her posts are aimed at authors, some of them apply to life in general. One I’d love to share with you is her recent 5 Tips for Long-Term Writing Success! Yes, its about writing, but these 5 tips apply to a lot of life’s challenges. Check her out. I promise you’ll enjoy it! Dani  

Living the (Real) Dream

In this day and age, there’s a lot of talk about ‘going after your dreams’ and ‘achieving your dreams’. I highly recommend it. After all, I spent 10 years trying to sell my first novel-length story. I fought hard for my dream, and pushed through the barriers of fear, pride, and uncertainty in order to achieve it. But there are a few things “they” don’t tell you about achieving your dreams: 1. The work doesn’t stop. Either another goal appears, or you have to continue working just to maintain your dreams. Mostly likely, its both. Dreams don’t lead to easy street. 2. Not everyone will support you. Some will see you as selfish for focusing on something you want. Some will want a piece of your pie without working for it. Some will want to tear you down because of jealousy or just plain meanness. And some people will simply be indifferent, because it isn’t their dream. 3. Some people will more than support you. They’ll actually put their belief in you into action, going out of their way to help you live your dreams. This selflessness on the part of others is an extremely humbling experience, which means... 4. Support from others doesn’t always feel good. Knowing that someone is giving of their time and energy to help you can lead to guilt, guilt, and more guilt, even though you are more than grateful. Especially for women. 5. Your other responsibilities don’t end. Most authors don’t sit around eating bonbons all day. The day I sold my first novel, I still had to finish out the day at my day job, pick the kids up from school, and cook dinner. 6. Achieving a momentous moment that’s part of your dream is as incredible as they say it is! 7. That incredible high doesn’t last forever. Because dreams aren’t really this finite thing we achieve, they are more like a journey. There are high ridges, and low valleys. Be prepared for both. 8. Did I mention the work doesn’t end? 9. Everything in life doesn’t fall into place, just because you’ve reached this tremendous milestone. Its not like winning the lottery. Most likely, you can’t just quit your day job and land in the lap of luxury. 10. “Living the dream” may not match your expectations, but trust me, you’ll still want it just as much as you did the day you started. Living the Dream is not for sissies. :) Dani Takeaway: What's the most important dream you've worked to achieve in your life? Don't miss my next newsletter! Every edition has a winner of a very special prize pack. Click here to join my newsletter email list.

Chin Up, Keep Moving

I recently went to visit my friend, author Kimberly Lang, for walking lessons. That's right. Walking lessons. Or more accurately, lessons for walking in high heels. I received a special gift for my first publishing contract: a pair of "sale shoes". I've worn moderate heels through the years, but these are 5 inch with a 1 inch platform (so its really like walking in 4 inch heels). And they are so special that I wanted to look natural wearing them -- not be the girl carefully picking her way through the lobby because she's afraid she'll fall in her fantabulous shoes.  :) Sale shoes, romance author, first sale, heels The lessons went great, and I learned one important thing -- walking with your chin up makes a world of difference in attitude. When she told me to stop watching my feet and lift my chin, I was amazed at the difference it made. My shoulders went back and I felt stronger, taller (something I could sure use), more centered. It made me look more confidence, even though I didn't feel that way at first. Fake it till you make it -- the old adage personified. Over the past 6 months, I've found myself looking down a lot in my writing journey too. I keep watching for the next obstacle, the next thing I have to work my way around or over, because delays keep popping up  everywhere. Its very frustrating, and more than a little scary for the person who likes to know exactly where she's going. So I have a feeling this little lesson is about more than shoes -- its about life. I'm trying (with the help of some friends and my hubby) to keep moving forward with my chin up. Rely on my instincts and keep an eye in the distance for what might be coming down the pike. In the long run, that will do me way more good than staring at the obstacles at my feet that I can do nothing about. And those shoes? Well, I walked my way through an entire readers' luncheon without faltering, so I know practice CAN make perfect. What obstacles have you caught up in the moment? What little things can you do to build your confidence and keep moving forward? Dani

Nationals or Bust Week 12: Seeing the Results

Nationals or Bust, healthy writers, diet, Dani Wade, RWA National Conference, eating healthy, exercise   While my progress during this challenge hasn't been stellar (still hanging in there are 7 pounds the last time I stepped on the scale), I realized when I made a recent trip to visit family that over the last year and a half I've actually come down 25 pounds total! For someone who had not been able to lose weight the whole 7 years prior to that -- it's incredible! I knew that my shape was changing. Almost all of my pants are baggy and I can take them off without unbuttoning them. I'm actually going to have to have new pants for Nationals. Not much else has changed, but that bit of encouragement went a long way. Then I went out of town and a few relatives mentioned how good I looked. Nothing like someone who hasn't seen you in a while to notice the difference. So my progress is slow, but its happening! If I keep trying, I'll eventually reach my goal weight and be able to maintain it because of the changes I've put into place. My point is: if I can do it, you can too! I'm the worst dieter and exerciser in the world. It doesn't take much to beat me.  :)  So keep trying, keep moving. 1 meal at a time. 1 exercise session at a time. You can do it! I'm sure of it! Dani Check in and tell us your progress too!!!!

Nationals or Bust Week 5: Quick Check-in

Nationals or Bust, Healthy eating, diet challenge, RWA Nationals, writing, authors, exercise, sedentary job, weight loss, romance authors We’re working hard to slim down before RWA Nationals in July through healthy eating, exercise, sharing information, and accountability. Join us any time along the way, introduce yourself and post goals, or just contribute to the conversation! We’re here to share!   I'm going short and sweet this week! I seem to be facing any number or setbacks...admin appreciation week at work (with food coming out the wazoo -- I wasn't horrible, but I wasn't perfect either), illness, revisions and release week, and trying to get my teenager out of the house for a trip. BUT I'm finally moving downward again, woohoo!!! AND my exercise is finally on track too. Though I need to take a page out of Ella Sheridan's book. She's doing incredible. Sorry this is so short! Release week is kicking my tail.  :)  But I want us all to have a place to check in, report progress, or your own setbacks and how you are facing them. The halfway point is coming up sooner than we can imagine. Yikes!!! Challenge: Where are you at for Week 5? What changes have you made to your plan/eating/exercise?

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