Creativity Update/Upgrade

It’s hard to feel inspired and connect to creativity during hard times. We’ve all seen that in the past year. But it’s just as hard during busy or chaotic times when other things in your life have to take precedence.

Combine the two and being creative can be nigh to impossible.

I haven’t posted about this a lot because I hate to be all “doom and gloom” for y’all (that would expose my natural Eeyore tendencies a little too much!). Besides, we’ve got enough of that going on every day.

But I’ve definitely struggled with my depression, doing two positions for the price of one at the day job, health issues, and renovating our garage over the last year. I’ve completely lost touch with my creative side and words are ephemeral right now.

As we move into the fall season in the US, I find myself longing for that connection once more and the chance to rejuvenate my creativity. But this takes purposeful choices (I know this from past experience).

Here are a few of the choices I’m making right now. Hopefully by sharing I can inspire you to reconnect with your creative, dreaming side too.

I want to read and have quiet time


Yes, this is the opposite of doing something, but it is a choice to be made.

I’m not just talking about sleep (though I personally love a nap!), but just slowing down, reducing the number of obligations I have, letting my mind wander, and leaving time in my life unplanned.




I know y’all think I’m crazy, but this is totally true for me. When life gets hectic, my house/office/car/yard gets totally cluttered!

It’s hard to relax with all that stuff staring me in the face. While I don’t have time for a major declutter, working on some “hot spots” definitely helps with my mood and feeling like I have at least some control in the midst of chaos.

Add an 8th day to the week for reading.


This is more about refilling my well and awakening my curiosity than actually accomplishing something (a big driver in my day-to-day activities). For me, this can be an intellectual pursuit like reading articles about subjects I want to learn more about or just watching videos about random stuff (I have a morbid fascination with creepy/scary/tragic things so will sometimes binge Youtube channels like Ask a Mortician).

But it’s also about physically exploring! Personally I like to get out in nature, whether its walking on campus or hiking nearby trails. But this might also mean wandering a local craft store, meandering through an antique mall, or braving a new restaurant.


**Pampering myself

I hesitate to call this “self-care” because all of the pursuits in this blog fall under that label for me. But I am trying to purposefully make time to do things I love that make me feel good right then, that I don’t often make time for!

A long soak in a hot bath. A night with the family around the fire pit roasting marshmallows. Putting out my seasonal decorations. Puttering around in my flower beds. Yes, I actually have to give myself permission to do something that’s fun, that doesn’t normally fall on my To Do list.



There are other things I’m working toward, like giving myself permission to just brainstorm, writing long hand, researching my story/characters without putting pressure on myself to log in words…but those are specific to my writing practice. While I long to put words on the page once more, I want to reawaken the creative side of my whole being!


I hope this was inspiring to you if you also struggle, or at least gave you some insight into my process as a creative. I’d love to hear how you reconnect with your creative side during trying times. Comment below or send me an email with your tips!


Take care,


About the author: daniwade6565

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