June’s Favorite Things List

Wading Through Life….

The heat and humidity are really starting to show up here in the South! The days for the next few months will revolve around running from air conditioned space to air conditioned space, trying not to sweat through my nice clothes. 😊 But there are some Favorite Things I love about the summer, especially during my birthday month!


My Favorite Things—June Edition

1. My birthday, which I share with my twin. 😊 I’m getting old enough that I don’t want to make a big deal out of it anymore, but my family never fails to make it special in some way.

2. Getaways with friends. This year I was lucky enough to be able to go away for the weekend with some special friends. We went to a nearby state park and spent the weekend eating, talking, and laughing while surrounded by some beautiful nature. A very relaxing way to spend some down time!


3. The Strawberry Moon. This photo doesn’t do the full moon justice. It was actually a pinkish orange color and reflected beautifully off the water at the state park.


4. Sandals and painted toenails. It’s always fun to change out my shoes in the summer, but it also means I need to paint my toenails. I’m always excited by new colors and having my nails painted makes me feel fancy. 😊 What’s your favorite color for your nails?

5. New stove!!! Our house came with all the original appliances and we’ve been replacing them one by one as they’ve needed it. This one marks the last, and now they all finally match. I just have to get used to the way a new one works.



Do you have big plans for the summer? Mine will mostly be spent editing and painting. Gotta get the outside of the house finished and The Secrets of Thornbury Woods Book 2 in tip top shape for release!

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I hope your summer is a great one!!


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