Winter Faves & A Holiday Sale!

Wading Through Life...

I’ll admit, I’m a full-on Fall Lover. The changing color of the leaves. Cooler temperatures. The spooky atmosphere. Not to mention the pumpkin muffins, apple cider, pecan pie…LOL It’s the season I could live in forever (and only really get to enjoy for about 2 weeks here in the southern US). But there are still things I love about winter, especially this first part before I get tired of the cold temps that have hung around a little too long. Here’s my list of winter favorite things:
  1. The Galaxy of Lights: this is a holiday lights display at the botanical gardens in my home town. Each year has something a little different, along with old favorites. We like to go to the walking nights as a family and enjoy hot chocolate as we stroll through the lit gardens.
Christmas lights made into a house   Galaxy of Lights display 2. ASMR videos that help me focus at work or when I’m writing. This winter greenhouse is one of my new faves. 3. Chocolate chip bundt cake!! One of our family faves that my husband’s grandmother always made for the holidays. We have it at Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s so popular, I have to make 2 at a time! 4. Holiday books (like mine that is on sale below!). Some of my other faves including Undisclosed by Ella Sheridan. 5. Christmas present shopping. One of my love languages is finding just the right gift for the right person. I really enjoy giving someone something that I think they’ll enjoy and that fits their interests. I’m not a fan of gift cards unless its one I know that person really needs/wants (like the young adults in my life trying to buy groceries and work day lunches on a limited income). Unfortunately, I’m not as keen to wrap them all. 😊 6. Time spent around the fire pit with marshmallows for roasting and a blanket to snuggle into, surrounded by family and friends. Fire pit taken at night while roasting marshmallows 7. Decorating the spaces around me (be it for fall, Thanksgiving, or Christmas). This year I’m enjoying decorating my cubicle, which has helped me meet lots of people at my new job when they stop by to check it out. Christmas decorations 8. Time off for the holidays! Woot! Woot! This year, hubby has some time off too, so we will be relaxing and enjoying a slower pace for a few days. 9. The possibility of snow… I know this may sound weird to those of you who live in snow-covered climes, but we rarely get snow here (and when we do, it doesn’t last long). So the mere mention of snow around the holidays causes lots of excitement and a rush to the nearest grocery store. My kids, though grown, still love it to. So no matter what time it starts, we are bundled up to walk down the road and be the first to make footprints in the winter wonderland. 10. An abundance of family time. It’s so rejuvenating to spend time just visiting (as we call it here in the South) with those I love. Watching Christmas movies. Playing board games. Catching up. Laughing.   What makes the list of your Faves for Winter Season? Post in the comments below.  

Holiday Reading

Holiday Storm cover. Picture of rocker woman in front of a gate in the snow. HOLIDAY STORM (A Covington Corner novella) NOW on Sale for $1.99 As her boss, he’d made her life miserable for years. Now she’s snowed in with him for the holidays…with access to the secrets he’s been hiding from her. Piper Waverly’s boss demands she collect a contract from his house during a snowstorm on Christmas Eve…that is his frustrating M.O., even if he is a sexy former rock star. What she didn’t expect was to spend Christmas at his isolated mountain retreat—just the two of them. But seclusion with the thorn-in-her-side has some surprising benefits. Her arch nemesis shows a surprisingly sensual side that draws her. She is also able to pry into the side of his life he’s hidden from her for so long. Tantalizing…until his secrets hit too close to home. Does the hidden room in his house hold the key to her family tragedy? Has he always been closer than she thought? Will her newfound love withstand the coming storm? Read the entire Secrets of Covington Corner novella series: Shadow Manor Haunted Heritage Dark Destiny Shadow Manor Buy it now at your favorite retailer

It Caught My Eye...

  Kitten looking at Christmas tree

National Library Week Celebration

Something really special is happening this week! It’s National Library Week here in the US and to me it is something truly worthy of celebration. I grew up going to the library. My mom would take us when we went “into town”, which is country talk for driving to the nearest actual city (for us—that was 30 minutes away). Front doors of public library We were homeschooled, so this was our primary source for stories of any and all kinds. My sister and I would come home with the maximum number of checkouts every two weeks. When the librarians asked my Mom if we actually read the books, she said, “Yes, then they read each other’s.” I would never have been able to afford to buy all the books that we read. We quickly graduated from the children’s section to the adult fiction. Romance has always been a favorite. That small-town library introduced me to my favorite gothic romance author Mary Stewart and Phyllis A Whitney. I also remember a line of hard back gothics that I would randomly find among the other books, like a treat I had to hunt for… open book with magic light The librarians were always helpful and friendly and I wanted to grow up to be one. It was a place my true self loved and felt at home in. I hope you have a place that’s the same for you. Now, working at a university, I still try to go over to the library to write sometimes and it brings back those warm memories. Do you have any memories of going to the library? I’d love to hear them! Go by your local library to support their services and events. While you’re there, ask them to stock your favorite books! That’s a great way to support an author too! Take care, Dani  


The 1st book in my Backstage Pass series and first southern rock star romance! This couple will always be near and dear to my heart, because they gave me the freedom to write something that didn't feel "safe". A big step for me now, much less than in 2013.
Finding Her Rhythm book cover with musician kneeling with a guitar in a cloud of purple smoke


He’s a rock star with the world at his feet—but he’d rather have her there.
Taylor Jemison lost everything when her first dip into the world of consensual kink went wrong, and she wound up on the run from a dangerous ex. Driven from her home and the teaching job she loved, she needs a safe haven. As nanny for a rock star, she’ll live behind gated walls with a private security team. As for the teens’ sexy dad … he’ll be on the road most of the time. That’s good, because one touch of his strong hands leaves her body and heart craving submission to his commands.
Guitarist Michael Korvello may have a rep as an all-in, balls-out hard-rock star with a penchant for kink, but he keeps his personal life firmly separated from his home and his kids. One look at the curvy little nanny, and he knows she can’t stay, because her big green eyes say she craves the control he wants to wield. And though Michael can have any number of beautiful women, he aches for one who’ll truly accept him—inside and out.
Just when neither can deny their need for each other, Taylor’s ex surfaces, intent on taking back what he considers his, and ready to destroy Michael’s world to get her. Can two kindred souls protect their private passion from an outsider bent on ripping them apart?
Don’t miss this sizzling, sensual peek into the private world of a rock star —get your copy of FINDING HER RHYTHM today!
FR💜💜 on all platforms.

Responsibilities VS Magic

Remember when you were a kid...the holidays seemed to hold such magic. You only had to work on the fun decorations, go to the parties, and never had to worry about clean-up. I have a feeling that's why some of the magic disappears from the holidays as we get older. Now we know what it's like to have to prepare, buy, budget, and put everything away afterwards. Even though we are creating magic for others, it carries a lot of weight with it. Which makes a good book even better! At least for a little while, we can lose ourselves in the magic of other worlds, mystery, and romance...and forget the hectic preparations for a few precious minutes. In fact, I'd argue that it's necessary to keep our own magic high in order to pass it along! I'd love to hear what story you are indulging in this holiday season! Take care, Dani Cover of Holiday Storm  

Indulge in a Gothic Holiday story with the conclusion of my Covington Corner series, Holiday Storm.

As her boss, he’d made her life miserable for years. Now she’s snowed in with him for the holidays…with access to the secrets he’s been hiding from her. Piper Waverly’s boss demands she collect a contract from his house during a snowstorm on Christmas Eve…that is his frustrating M.O., even if he is a sexy former rock star. What she didn’t expect was to spend Christmas at his isolated mountain retreat—just the two of them. But seclusion with the thorn-in-her-side has some surprising benefits. Her arch nemesis shows a surprisingly sensual side that draws her. She is also able to pry into the side of his life he’s hidden from her for so long. Tantalizing…until his secrets hit too close to home. Does the hidden room in his house hold the key to her family tragedy? Has he always been closer than she thought? Will her newfound love withstand the coming storm? Read the entire Secrets of Covington Corner novella series: Shadow Manor Haunted Heritage Dark Destiny Shadow Manor Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo Apple Books

Creativity Update/Upgrade

It’s hard to feel inspired and connect to creativity during hard times. We’ve all seen that in the past year. But it’s just as hard during busy or chaotic times when other things in your life have to take precedence. Combine the two and being creative can be nigh to impossible. I haven’t posted about this a lot because I hate to be all “doom and gloom” for y’all (that would expose my natural Eeyore tendencies a little too much!). Besides, we’ve got enough of that going on every day. But I’ve definitely struggled with my depression, doing two positions for the price of one at the day job, health issues, and renovating our garage over the last year. I’ve completely lost touch with my creative side and words are ephemeral right now. As we move into the fall season in the US, I find myself longing for that connection once more and the chance to rejuvenate my creativity. But this takes purposeful choices (I know this from past experience). Here are a few of the choices I’m making right now. Hopefully by sharing I can inspire you to reconnect with your creative, dreaming side too. I want to read and have quiet time **Rest Yes, this is the opposite of doing something, but it is a choice to be made. I’m not just talking about sleep (though I personally love a nap!), but just slowing down, reducing the number of obligations I have, letting my mind wander, and leaving time in my life unplanned.   **Cleaning What?!?! I know y’all think I’m crazy, but this is totally true for me. When life gets hectic, my house/office/car/yard gets totally cluttered! It’s hard to relax with all that stuff staring me in the face. While I don’t have time for a major declutter, working on some “hot spots” definitely helps with my mood and feeling like I have at least some control in the midst of chaos. Add an 8th day to the week for reading. **Explore/Discovery This is more about refilling my well and awakening my curiosity than actually accomplishing something (a big driver in my day-to-day activities). For me, this can be an intellectual pursuit like reading articles about subjects I want to learn more about or just watching videos about random stuff (I have a morbid fascination with creepy/scary/tragic things so will sometimes binge Youtube channels like Ask a Mortician). But it’s also about physically exploring! Personally I like to get out in nature, whether its walking on campus or hiking nearby trails. But this might also mean wandering a local craft store, meandering through an antique mall, or braving a new restaurant.   **Pampering myself I hesitate to call this “self-care” because all of the pursuits in this blog fall under that label for me. But I am trying to purposefully make time to do things I love that make me feel good right then, that I don’t often make time for! A long soak in a hot bath. A night with the family around the fire pit roasting marshmallows. Putting out my seasonal decorations. Puttering around in my flower beds. Yes, I actually have to give myself permission to do something that’s fun, that doesn’t normally fall on my To Do list.     There are other things I’m working toward, like giving myself permission to just brainstorm, writing long hand, researching my story/characters without putting pressure on myself to log in words…but those are specific to my writing practice. While I long to put words on the page once more, I want to reawaken the creative side of my whole being!   I hope this was inspiring to you if you also struggle, or at least gave you some insight into my process as a creative. I’d love to hear how you reconnect with your creative side during trying times. Comment below or send me an email with your tips!   Take care, Dani

Reading Goals, Anyone?

I have a confession to make: I’m not a reader. Let me clarify: I used to be a reader. But between the day job, struggling to get words, and overwhelming stress, I lost my love of it somewhere. Every time I thought about picking up a book, I just turned away. Reading Then I took a class called Write Better Faster by Becca Syme in an attempt to break through my writer’s block. There I learned about my top 5 Strengths (Clifton Strengths testing). Lo and behold—all of them had to do with INPUT. Basically, my brain runs off of learning things. I have a craving for knowledge and am rejuvenated by the learning process. Except I’d stopped that process in its tracks by not reading much at all. The occasional non-fiction book or magazine was the only exception. No wonder my brain has basically stopped working! Books, Reader goal After taking Becca’s class, I started making an effort to read more, but it was haphazard. I would start fiction books, but not be able to finish them, no matter how interesting they were. I had better luck with non-fiction, which I could let sit for a few days, then come back to them and eventually finish. I’m not entirely sure why this was so hard, but I have a few suspicions.
  1. The issues going on in my brain related to the writer’s block made it extremely difficult to focus. What little “focus power” I had went to my day job and writing tasks, so there wasn’t much left for something I viewed as less important: the reading (boy, did I have that backwards).
  2. There is an idea I’ve been dedicated to for years: refilling the well. But until this very stressful time, I didn’t put it into practice with as much dedication as I should have. Then again, I didn’t know that part of what I needed to fill that well was knowledge! We often think of refilling our wells, or “self-care”, as things like taking baths and having our nails done. But our strengths give us certain needs that, when fulfilled, renew our energy and our enthusiasm far faster than anything else could. I’ve experienced this first hand!
Slowly working on this issue has helped, and I can feel that as I “input” information through reading, my brain actually loosens up and works better, ideas flow more freely. This is me working with my strengths and giving my brain the type of “food” it wants. But I’ve decided for this year to dedicate myself to this process even more. I’ve given myself a reading goal for this year. One non-fiction book and one fiction story every month. Compared to the several books a week I used to read just a couple of years ago, it doesn’t seem like much, but I’m working within a much busier life than I was then. And lingering issues from my struggles with writer’s block. Mostly, I know myself. If I don’t give myself some kind of goal, it will never happen. Productivity, Reading I’ve started my non-fiction goal with Paused to Prolific by K Webster. This is a new release that dovetails nicely with my own focus issues. It is designed to help you “write faster, stay focused, and avoid burnout”. I found it very easy to digest because the chapters are short and tightly focused, with a “coffee break” at the end to help brainstorm ideas for taking the information and putting it into practice. Webster has a conversational, humorous style that helped me relate well to the information, and I’ll never look at a squirrel the same again! What kind of reading goals do you set for yourself? Are they formal goals, or just lists of books you’d like to read? Dani

The Joy of Reading

I’m a lifelong reader. My first love was romance books and, though I read many subgenres, they all have that happily ever after in common. I love them so much that I wanted to write my own. Twelve years later, I write my own romances...and I don’t read nearly as much. This was brought home to me over the last few weeks as I’ve been judging entries to Romance Writers of America’s RITA contest. It’s rare that I take enough time off to read a whole book. I usually only do it between projects, or during revisions, so that I don’t adopt the other author’s voice or characteristics as my own. His By Design, Dani Wade, Harlequin Desire, Writers on Reading The good thing about this is I have to read these books by the judging deadline—so its a great excuse to give myself permission to read. I’m enjoying the chance to do this without the guilt of these words floating through my should be working. Reading reminds me why I started writing in the first place. And the joy of losing myself in a fictional world without all the work of having to create it.  :) Takeaway: Give yourself permission to do something you enjoy! How many books do you read in a week? Dani 

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