
That's right! The proposal for the next Mill Town Millionaires is in the hands of Awesome Editor and I'm taking a break from it to get an editing round in for Nate and Sara's story before it goes out to Beta Readers. So Excited!!! Book 4 in the Backstage Pass series has finally been titled: GOIN' OUT SOLO. I'll be sharing snippets on FB and Twitter, so don't forget to tune in! (Hopefully some cover love going on soon, too!) edits, editing, romance author

Author’s Getaway

A couple of weeks ago, I packed my bags and headed out of town. No hubby or kids. No girlfriends. No fellow authors. Just me, my computer, and my characters for 4 days. Like a writing retreat, but solo. At first, it always feels a little weird. But I've spent so many years writing out by myself or with author Ella Sheridan than I'm used to it. To feel the complete silence of the hotel room, and know that I wouldn't be interrupted was a relief. I've been pushing pretty hard over the past year, through working with kids in the room, scribbling notes at the day job, pushing through to write in short periods of time where its hard to immerse myself in my characters. Yeah, relief was an understatement. photo (24) I took Nate and Sara's novella with me. My goal was to finish it, which I didn't. But I made really good progress. Even more important, I was able to sink into the characters and reacquaint myself with them. Spend time thinking about what they would do and say, without the pressure to finish before someone needed something. I think this is a great way to refill our creative well. I talk often about "refilling the well" in terms of renewing our energy, etc., but this is about the creative part of our lives. It reminded me to find ways to reconnect with this part of my life also, which will improve my writing, and also my enjoyment of my writing. That was a happy thing! [caption id="attachment_1061" align="alignleft" width="150"]I wish this was my hotel room. Wouldn't that have been atmospheric? I wish this was my hotel room. Wouldn't that have been atmospheric?[/caption] Another happy thing is going on today! I'm sharing on 2 other blogs and I hope you will join me. I'm over with the Nice Girls talking about, guess what, refilling the well.  :) And my latest hero, Jacob Blackstone (The Blackstone Heir), is being featured on the USA Today Happily Ever After blog with some other chivalrous heroes. What's your happy thing today? Dani


#amwriting, writer, romance author, woman with computer The first draft of Luke and Avery's book is almost done. We're on the homestretch, so there's no extra words for blogs. Be back soon! Dani


I’m currently digging deep into Book 3 of my Mill Town Millionaires series, and am totally into my new hero Luke ‘Renegade’ Blackstone. This bad boy escaped his oppressive childhood in Blackstone Manor with his own getaway car—and turned it into a profession as a stock car racer. In Book 2, The Blackstone Heir, something happens to completely sideline his career. Now he’s back in Black Hills, SC, once more, counting the days until he can escape again. But first he must be cleared for takeoff by the town’s only physical therapist—a woman he cruelly spurned when she was a high school senior. I think this bad boy might have his hands full! Here’s his theme song: Renegade by Daughtry [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfypxzUF1y4?rel=0] Enjoy! Dani

Savor The Accomplishment

Recently, a non-writing friend asked, “Do you ever look back and think, ‘Wow, I wrote XX number of books last year?’” Hmmm... honestly, I don’t. But I should. Because when I did stop to think about it, it totally blew my mind! Just in my published works, I have 3 contemporary romances written and released, 1 written and scheduled for fall, and 3 in some stage of production. That doesn’t include the 6 additional stories I wrote before I published.   [caption id="attachment_731" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Kira Sinclair, Harlequin Blaze, Playfriends, sexy contemporary romance Titles by author Kira Sinclair[/caption] It’s pretty astounding to realize I’ve completed that many stories. Most aspiring authors finish 1 book, maybe 2. I have a lot of accomplishments under my belt for a new author.  :) Why don’t I savor these milestones more? I think, when you are a published author working on a publishing deadline, your focus is always ahead to the next book, the next deadline, the tasks on the list left to be done. There’s little time for looking back. But we should.   [caption id="attachment_732" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Kimberly Lang, Andrea Laurence, sexy contemporary romance, Harlequin Desire, romance authors Titles by Kimberly Lang & Andrea Laurence[/caption] This reminds me of when my kids were babies. There was so much that needed to be done in any given day, that savoring the wonder of having these children in my life was virtually impossible—unless I reminded myself to STOP and look for it. But when I did then...and I do now...what incredible beauty I see!   [caption id="attachment_733" align="aligncenter" width="212"]Marilyn Baxter, Tea for Two, contemporary romance, novella, romance author, playfriends Title by Marilyn Baxter[/caption] I have a group of friends who have been tight knit since long before we published. Now we are ALL published authors. Between us we have numerous novels and novellas. It’s incredible to think about what we’ve accomplished in the 10 years we’ve known each other. Throughout this post are pictures of our books. Looking at them makes me smile. For the record, that’s a good thing when you’re on deadline! Dani Takeaway: What accomplishments should you stop and savor? What memories make you smile in the midst of your current hard work?

Characters 101

Before I started writing, I thought characters were like puppets. The author pulled them out of a box, tugged on strings to make them do what she wanted, then put them away again. Boy, was I deluded! Fictional Character meme 1 I wrote my first draft while living in that fantasy world. Then I heard Linda Howard speak at our chapter meeting about hearing characters ‘speak to you’. That’s a little weird, I thought. After all, I’m in charge of the story, right? But I tried, because after all, this was Linda Howard talking. I still remember those first few times I tried to “listen” to my characters. And my utter shock when words—their words—started to float through my head. Over the years, that trickle has become a stream until now its unnatural for all of my characters to be quiet at once.  :) Makes for a pretty busy mind landscape, but that’s the nature of being a fiction author. Keeps life interesting (especially for my poor hubby who has to tolerate my constant daydreaming). But my hope is that it makes my characters more alive for readers, just like they are for me now. Fictional Character meme 2 Today, share with us the characters that you’ve become most attached to because they have become real to you. You know, the ones you just can’t stop thinking about!   Dani  

Christmas Ramblings

Only a week and a half until Christmas! I'm not panicking, because my shopping is done and most things have been wrapped. We have a tree and stockings inside, a few Christmas lights outside. I didn't go all out this year, but we have enough up to make the house look festive and the kids seem satisfied. ' christmas cookies Writing, not going as well. All the holiday parties and preparations have cut into my very limited writing time. This week I have vowed to leave the housework to the rest of the family, ignore any requests to prepare food, and limit my focus to my computer. Edits on my next Harlequin are due to Amazing Editor very soon, so this is top priority. But in the midst of the chaos, I'm grateful for family around me, a few spare minutes alone with my husband, the wonder I still feel viewing Christmas lights, and anticipation at the joy on my children's faces Christmas morning. That's what's underneath all the busyness, right? I hope you are finding a small bit of wonder in your Christmas preparations too! Happy Holidays! Dani

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