Christmas Ramblings

Only a week and a half until Christmas! I'm not panicking, because my shopping is done and most things have been wrapped. We have a tree and stockings inside, a few Christmas lights outside. I didn't go all out this year, but we have enough up to make the house look festive and the kids seem satisfied. ' christmas cookies Writing, not going as well. All the holiday parties and preparations have cut into my very limited writing time. This week I have vowed to leave the housework to the rest of the family, ignore any requests to prepare food, and limit my focus to my computer. Edits on my next Harlequin are due to Amazing Editor very soon, so this is top priority. But in the midst of the chaos, I'm grateful for family around me, a few spare minutes alone with my husband, the wonder I still feel viewing Christmas lights, and anticipation at the joy on my children's faces Christmas morning. That's what's underneath all the busyness, right? I hope you are finding a small bit of wonder in your Christmas preparations too! Happy Holidays! Dani

Mommy Guilt

The majority of women who have ever given birth have felt it – that little niggle of low grade vibration in the back of your brain. The feeling appears every time you try to go somewhere alone, leave your child with a sitter, or wish for a few more minutes of sleep despite the crying noises on the monitor. Basically, any time you even think about putting your own wants or needs above your child’s. One would think this physical manifestation of guilt would disappear as children get old, but in certain areas it never goes away completely. My kids are now old enough to fold their own laundry, fix some basic meals, and clean the bathroom. Despite their growing self-sufficiency, I still feel guilty for leaving them to their own devices in the evenings so I can write. The hubby says they’ll be fine, but he has no clue how hard it is to turn off Mommy Guilt. There are a few (very few) techniques I’ve learned over the years to combat that niggling feeling. Maybe if I write them all down in one place, I’ll remember to use them during my upcoming writing push. 1. Cuddle First, Work Later Okay, so my kids are really too big now to cuddle, but it doesn’t stop them from trying…or from wanting attention. I find there are fewer interruptions if I give them some one-on-one time before I work, rather than after. Fill up the attention-deficit, and they’re usually good for a while. 2. Distraction I’ve heard all the childcare experts, but I’m still not above using the television, video games, computer, etc. to distract my kids while I work. I simply save it for when I know I’ll be busy, then turn them loose. 3. Firm Boundaries I’m lucky in that my kids still want to talk to me all the time. But that makes working at home hard. Now that my kids are old enough, I can employ the ole “don’t bother me unless there’s fire or blood” caveat. The fewer interruptions I have, the lesser my guilt, maybe because I feel less like I’m abandoning them. Giving them a firm boundary (and specific exceptions) helps minimize interruptions. Most of the time, I’ve also employed a visual boundary as a reminder. You see, my office has an open doorway between me and the rest of the house. Its really an extension of the laundry room. So hubby helped me hang a sheet across the expanse that I can either pull back (open) or let down (closed). This door reminds the kids that mommy is working. If they stand on the other side and talk, I tell them to leave or just ignore them (every kid, no matter their age, will test his or her boundaries). But in time they’ve learned to abide by them. These are my very slim options for managing my kids and my guilt, but I’d love to have more! How do you minimize the guilt when you know you need to take time away from being “Mommy”?  

April News

Wow! March flew by me as briskly as the winds here in the South. Now its a blur of writing, revising, and more revising. I'm a little behind because of a special project I picked up (which I hope I can share more about next month), so I've had to postpone Finding Her Rhythm's release until April 30, 2013. I want the story to be perfect, so I'm not gonna rush it. I truly love working on Michael and Taylor's story, and hope you enjoy reading it! I'm still waiting to hear from awesome editor on my submissions, but will hopefully have news there soon too! In the meantime, its more revisions for Michael and Taylor, then off to line edits and formatting. I'm always busy, even when playing the waiting game that happens so frequently in publishing. I've got some fun field trips lined up, and hope you'll join me as I venture once more into the cyber-world. There's also something extra special coming to the blog this month! The start of my Nationals or Bust Health Challenge. My very talented sister (and copy editor) is a finalist in RWA's Golden Heart contest, and I'll be meeting my editor (hopefully) and lots of authors from my line, so we're both anxious to slim down a bit for Atlanta in July. I invite y'all to join us, whether you're attending RWA or not, as we encourage, inform, and hold each other accountable in our quest for better health and a teeny increase in self-confidence!!! It looks like a busy summer ahead. Stick with me -- it's going to be fun!!!!

Shake Ya Groove Thang!

I voluntarily confess to being a music fanatic. Next to a good book, an iTunes card is my favorite gift. Now, I didn’t say I was an aficionado – I pretty much have specific things I’ll listen to: Top 40s, some harder rock, a bare minimum of country, and some instrumental movie soundtracks that I like to write to. That’s about it, but its more than enough. Go one day without music and I’m most definitely going crazy. Music motivates my writing, enriching scenes, evoking emotion. Each of my main characters has a theme song that I listen to when I need to get into their state of mind quickly. This would annoy anyone within listening distance, because I play the same song over and over on repeat. Lucky for those around me, I use headphones. Shoe Speakers But I’ve learned that music can motivate me in many areas – lifting me from a bad mood, saving me from boredom, ramping up my speed on the elliptical, and yes, even making housework fun. As long as I can remember, my mother has cranked up some fun, upbeat music while she dances her way through the housework. I didn’t adopt this practice when I moved out on my own, but a couple of Christmases ago the hubby gave me a pair of speakers shaped like red high heels. I could plug in my iPod and listen while I cooked dinner. Then during dishes. Now, I too love to crank it up while cleaning in just about anything. It makes the time pass quicker and gives me something to think about other than the fact that I have to scrub toilets. What about you? What role does music play in your life? What is your favorite song? I’ll leave you with a video of my current hero’s “theme song”: [youtube]   Dani   I love hearing from my readers! For every comment in the month of March, you are entered into a drawing for a $5 Amazon gift card. Simply comment with your email address. I'll draw for the winner on March 31st!

Celebrate 2013!

Anybody else charging ahead at full steam into the New Year?  :)  The holidays are behind us, decorations are boxed up, new toys are in play, and its past time to embrace 2013 with its 365 days of possibilities. Glass of Wine My new year got started with an old lesson. You see, right before Christmas, I caught a flu virus that had me off work for 3 days and in bed for 5. Then my car was stolen, and we had to make replacement arrangements (which included an unexpected family visit), and then I topped off New Years with a secondary bacterial infection in my throat. All this with a proposal still due and family activities cropping up left and right. So my first lesson of the year 2013 was: It's okay to rest. I talked about this late last year, but I'm obviously a slow learner. This knowledge hit me hard. I was battling illness and a boatload of stress, and still felt obligated to press on as if everything was normal. Needless to say, that got old quick. I realized it wasn't the end of the world if I had to bow out of something. People usually understand. After a full day and work and still being sick, I just couldn't push myself to attend my husband's family's Christmas Eve party -- one of my favorite parts of our Christmas celebrations. I stayed home and dozed on the couch, so I had more energy for our Christmas day plans. Then my daughter got to play my part in the adult dirty Santa game -- something she'd been trying to sneak into for several years. I definitely learned my creative brain does not function well while sick! I spent several nights simply staring at my computer screen, unable to get any words. Still, I persisted. In this case, all I did was increase my frustration and uncertainty about my story. If I'd waited until my brain came back online (know that feeling?), I would have progressed faster without all that angst (great for stories, not so great for creating). So I cut myself some mental slack. This is one of the hardest things for me to do! Even when my body won't go anymore, my brain is still in "you should be..." mode. I'm practicing my new comeback: Yes, but it will still be there when I get to it. :) Works most... okay, some... of the time. But practice will hopefully make perfect. So today I'm celebrating once again being healthy and life settling into some sort of normalcy. I'm celebrating rest and relaxation. This will be a GOOD year! What are you celebrating at the start of this new year? Dani

Cutting Back, Paring Down

There are some days when just looking at my To Do list can give me a panic attack. The list grows and grows, no matter now much I mark off of it. Until sometimes I can feel like I'm drowning in stuff that needs to be done. Admitting that honestly showed me that there are many reasons as parents, spouses, writers, employees, etc, that we might feel the need to cut back on our responsibilities and commitments. For myself, I had to cut back when I had new babies, when I took on a job outside the home, and now that my oldest child has extra curricular activities that require being driven. But most recently I upped my day job to full-time and my downtime to non-existent because I've taken on too many commitments and find myself completely overwhelmed. I bet no one does that but me, huh? 1. Evaluate priorities. I have this unbearable urge to throw up my hands and chuck it all -- but it doesn't stick with me for long. I'm too much of a planner (nice word for obsessive) for that. Way before any cutting or confirmation happens, take a step back and a good look at your goals and direction. For me, this means taking care of my family financially and emotionally. Then furthering my writing craft and publishing career, and preserving the joy of my creativity. Taking care of myself physically and emotionally, so I can do everything else on this list. Did I mention I need to breathe sometimes? Finally, taking care of my extended family and very close friends in a way that protects those relationships and allows me to show these people my love for them. 2. Line up commitments. Then I put my compulsive list-making to good use! I make a long, long list of everything I've got going on (and it seems to grow every day -- how does THAT happen?). I like paper, some of my friends use computer programs. For those of you who aren't list-obsessive like me, maybe a mental checklist would work? Then compare those things to the priorities list. And yes, I'll admit to trying to spread my list-making disease.  :) 3. The Dreaded Cut This is the part I hate. Some things are so easy to give up, and others I really struggle with, but I always seem to feel better once the decision is made. As I mentioned earlier, between the job, writing, and growing children, I've had to make more and more cuts. I no longer have much time during the week to see friends, but I try to make time once a month to do that on a weekend. I try to do as many of my daughter's band activities as possible, but told her not to plan on going to any out of town competitions because of time/money. I’ve given up all of my local writing chapter volunteer duties and only volunteer for 1 event per year for each of the kids. I make it count – often heading up a function – but that’s the only thing I do. But its not just about cutting, its about deciding what is important enough to keep. Is there a particular project that means a great deal to you? And by that, I mean almost as important as your family. Will this volunteer opportunity serve you or your career in some way? Why do you want to put it on the keep list? Do you have a full understanding of everything that it will entail? 4. Evaluate any new opportunities that come along Yeah, I can Epic Fail at this one really easy, so I have to be really careful and uber aware. Recently I had chance to work on a large organization committee. I'd just offloaded all of my local chapter responsibilities, and wasn't sure about adding anything back on. But after evaluating the Pros and Cons, the benefits outweighed the amount of time it would require of me -- so I took it. The point here is that I thought about it first. I didn't jump first and regret later. Do you ever go back and reevaluate the chaos that is your life? How do you decide what to keep and when something's gotta go?

Take 2 Thursday: How Not to Let Your Writing Make You Crazy by Fiona Paul

As a writer, I love my job. As a woman who can be a little high-strung, who juggles a full-time job and family, I worry about being able to give my best to my writing and not letting it be the thing that drives me over the edge. I found a cool post on Twitter by YA author Fiona Paul, where she gives tips on not letting your writing drive you crazy in 2013. Funny and informative! If you feel your moods swinging and reactions to little things a little on the grumpy side, you'll find this blog post as helpful as I did.

Simply Christmas

The holidays are fully upon us, and we all know that December can be a crazy time for families! Parents have work party commitments, friends they’d like to see, and extended family get-togethers. Kids have school parties, extracurricular activities, and church programs. Volunteer efforts abound. And all around us is the pressure to create the “Perfect Holiday”. While the most renewing part of this season is the time spent with family and those we love, by the time we show up we’re exhausted from cooking, buying, wrapping, etc. So I’ve compiled some wonderful tips and tricks for how to Simplify the Holidays from myself and some of my fellow romance authors! I hope one of these little nuggets of wisdom from women who struggle with the same balance of time and obligations that we all have will make your holiday season just a little bit easier! Share your own tip in the comments for a chance to win an Amazon or B&N gift card as a little reward for all your hard work!* jingle bells SHOPPING & PRESENTS: From Laurie Kellogg, author of the sexy, sassy holiday story No Exchanges, No Returns I believe families bond over shared experiences, not exchanging THINGS. This gift can be a little pricier, but it's worth the extra cost. To simplify holiday shopping, find an event or activity (play, circus, ice show, concert / bowling, skiing, rollerskating, movie, etc) that the entire family will enjoy and give everyone a ticket to attend as a group. If you can afford to be really extravagant plan a shared vacation.  I like to attach each ticket or invitation to a favorite snack or treat to personalize the gift. (It's only one trip to the grocery story, but you have to KNOW what each family member's guilty pleasure is). If you use tissue paper and small gift bags, your shopping is done for the entire family in less than two hours. From Betty Bolte, author of the combination YA historical fiction and biography Hometown Heroines (True Stories of Bravery, Daring, and Adventure) Years ago, after one memorable year trying to stuff all the presents into the trunk of the car so we could make the trip home from grandparents’ house, we started including family activities in lieu of so many “things” under the tree. So we go to see the Galaxy of Lights then go to a nice restaurant for dinner. We also try to go to a Christmas concert – at the university or a professional production – this year we’re seeing the Celtic Woman Christmas performance. This way we’re creating memories rather than filling up the house with objects, which means less time spent shopping and wrapping and more time together as a family. From Vivi Andrews, author of the paranormal romance Finder’s Keeper If you have a big family (like mine), consider a Secret Santa or White Elephant Gift Exchange to avoid breaking the bank while still having fun and celebrating the season.  And if your family is spread out all across the world (also like mine) and shipping costs are getting out of control, you might want to try what we do - ask for volunteers to be "designated shopper" in each city (continent, whatever works for you).  That shopper buys and wraps the presents locally (with consultation and reimbursement from the gift giver).  The giver saves on time and shipping, while the shopper gets the fun of a gift shopping binge with someone else footing the bill.  ;)  We started this when my grandparents began having trouble handling the malls during the season and it has snowballed to be a family-wide phenomenon. From author Marilyn Puett I shop all year long and keep track of it with a list.  I made a Word document with a table with three columns:  Name, Gift, Bought.  I list all the folks for whom I need to buy a gift and print off the document.  I may pencil in gift ideas for some folks.  Then during the year when I see things on sale or see the perfect item in a mail-order catalog or online, I get it, mark what it is in the Gift column, put a check mark in the Bought column and put the item on a special shelf in the closet.  This year the bulk of my shopping was done by the end of October.  I actually bought two gifts in November of LAST year.  I saw them in a catalog, thought they would be perfect for my brother-in-law and nephew and went ahead and bought them because I was afraid they wouldn’t be available this year (they are, but they’re more expensive – WIN!).  Once all the shopping is done, I type all the info into the list and save it on my hard drive.  I have lists going back quite a few years.  This way Uncle So-and-So doesn’t get flannel lounge pants three years in a row.  And I’m spared the stress of shopping at the last minute in all the crowds.  I have to mail gifts to a lot of my family so the early shopping means I can also beat the long lines at the post office. When I moved in October, 2009, a friend helped me pack.  She saw a box in my closet marked “Playfriends’ Christmas Gifts” and said, “Really?”  All I could do was nod and smile.  I didn’t tell her they’d been in that box for several months.  Now she’ll know.  <G> From author Jannette Spann We have tall men in our family, 6 ft. 1 to 6 ft 7. I carry a card with their sizes in my purse year round, along with a tape measure. I don't dare depend on manufacturers tags to get the sizes right.  I measure for myself. It saves time on returns. christmas cookies FOOD: From Tamara Hogan, author of the paranormal romance Chase Me My tip has to do with COOKIES. A good friend and I get together for a full day in early December and bake holiday cookies together. We choose three recipes each, and at the end of a day spent cooking, gossiping and generally catching up, we have six kinds of cookies to to divide between us. With a beautiful collection of cookies already made, it's a simple matter to arrange a pretty plate for the neighbors, or to bring to an impromptu holiday gathering. This sounds great, Tamara! My sister and I have done this a couple of times, not just with cookies but with pumpkin bread, chocolate covered pretzels, etc. Then we can split them into holiday containers to give out. Much more fun than cooking all day alone! From Andrea Laurence, author of the paranormal romance Sexy as Hell When Christmas comes around, a lot of people like to bake cookies and make candy. Unfortunately, the time is tighter that month than in any other and pre-made dough can be pretty pricy (and not that tasty, if you ask me). Save yourself time and money by making your own cookie dough ahead of time. You can probably start as early as October if you need to. It usually only takes about fifteen minutes to make a batch of cookie dough, so when you get a chance to make it, get out a cookie sheet and scoop balls of dough onto it. Stick it in the freezer for a couple hours. Once they’re frozen, you can put the dough balls in a large ziplock bag. The dough won’t stick together because it was pre-frozen. Put it back in the freezer until you’re ready to bake. Make another batch of cookie dough whenever you can and do the same. When you have the time or the need to bake, just pull out the bag and pop as many as you need into the oven. It may only require an additional minute or so of bake time from frozen. Watch your first batch’s progress and adjust accordingly. Great idea, Andrea! This could also be done now on a weeknight, then frozen and baked later for a weekend party. From Dani Wade, author of the contemporary romantic suspense Snow Bound This is a combined food + present idea, but when I make up lots of food gifts, I like to use some of them for Teachers Gifts. Instead of waiting until the last day of school, I go ahead and send them with my children the next day. That way, I know teachers’ gifts are taken care of, the food is still fresh, and its one less thing my teachers have to carry home on the last day of school. Consider making your family get-together less about meal preparation, and more about spending time together. Serve delivered pizza or have everyone bring a simple finger food, then enjoy an evening of games and conversation rather than clean-up. One family I know makes their Christmas Eve get-together “Soup Night”. Each family brings a different soup, including several different chilis, potato soup, and beef stew. The great thing is, these can all be made in advance and frozen until the day before, then heated in crockpots. The hostess provides the “extras”, like cheese, crackers, croutons, etc. Very quick and easy! DECORATING From author Ella Sheridan The past few Christmases, as my kids moved into their teenage years, have become increasingly busy. My family has simplified Christmas by going designer. What do I mean? Instead of hauling out the three tubs of family Christmas ornaments and home decor, we keep it simple and elegant: a real evergreen swag over the hearth, dotted with white candles, a real evergreen tree, decorated with 7-8 clumps of poinsettia, twigs, and feathers I save from year to year, and our nativity on the entertainment center. We can sit in the living area and enjoy Christmas without the hassle of having to work for hours to put it together or put everything away, and it looks like we spent a fortune when all we have to buy are the evergreens! From Dani Wade I recently received a tip from a friend when I was complaining about the hassle of decorating outside. She told me to simplify my decorations by choosing items that were easy to put out/take down and gave a lot of bang for their buck. No more ladders or hard-to-reach work. For instance, net lights for my bushes – lots of lights and all I have to do is throw them over the bush and plug in. A wreath on the door. Maybe a couple of lighted trees set on each side of the door. Voila! Done! GET-TOGETHERS WITH FRIENDS From Dani Wade I don’t know about you, but I have lots of friends that I love to see over the holidays. But we all have very busy weekends that are already packed full. TWO possible solutions: 1) Get a big group of you all together on a weeknight at a restaurant. Then there’s no cooking/clean-up and fewer conflicts. 2) Put off the get-together until January, when schedules start to unwind. Christmas doesn’t only have to happen in December! Exchange gifts while you eat out, catch a movie, or whatever you had been wanting to do in December but didn’t have time for. AND FINALLY…My Favorite From Rita Henuber, author of the romantic thriller Under Fire: The Admiral I suggest everyone stop listening to the media hype about what you should be doing to have a perfect holiday. There is no such animal. Relax. Hug your family.  Do what makes you and your family happy. If you want Taco Bell, KFC, or Subway on paper plates for the family feast, DO IT!  Think back to your most memorable Christmas as a child. Do you remember how perfect it was or something else? Admittedly, I am not the norm but I remember the Christmas my aunt’s furnace blew spewing oily back soot through the house and helping to clean up the mess.  My husband remembers the year his flying squirrel got loose and took out the Christmas tree. I remember when my three year old son got loose at mass, crossed over the alter and went to sit in the life size nativity scene.  My Midwest aunt kept her house at 89 degrees in the winter. At Christmas, my cousins and their families came in shorts and Hawaiian shirts. The pictures are hysterical. Enjoy your day and hug your family – a lot. So what steps do you take to Simplify Christmas? Comment for a chance to win an Amazon or B&N gift card! *Prizes must be claimed within 5 days of being notified you've won.

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