Over the next few months, some very exciting things are happening. I’ve got 3 book releases in the next 4 months, and several more next year. I’m overwhelmed at the thought of experiencing all of this with my readers, and I want you to have the chance to share in this excitement with me!

I’m offering a few select readers the chance to read these books early! I’m starting my very own Advanced Review Team, and I’d love for you to be a part. That means you’d get the chance to read my upcoming books BEFORE RELEASE DAY! All I ask is that you leave an honest review of the book on Amazon on the actual release day.

Advanced Review Team, Dani Wade, romance readers, romance authors

Does the thought of free books pique your interest?

Well, here’s what you do:

  1. Sign up for my newsletter (if you haven’t already).

Only newsletter members are eligible for this special opportunity. I assume if you’re interested in my books, you’re interested in information on upcoming releases and events. Newsletter members only receive an email every 4 to 6 weeks, so no spamming. (P.S. Joining my newsletter means getting a FREE novella too—SNOW BOUND, part of my Small Town Secrets series.)

  1. Then send an email to readdaniwade (at) gmail.com with the subject: Advance Reading Team.

In the body of the email, tell me why you would like to join and what type of my books you’d like to read. ART members have the option of reading my sexy suspense books, my contemporary romances (Harlequin Desires), OR BOTH. Your choice! Also tell me what file type you need.

That’s it! Easy peasy. All I ask is that you be willing to read and honestly review my books.

What happens after you join?

  1. I will send out an email when a new release is scheduled.
  1. I’ll send an ARC of the book approximately 2-3 weeks before the release day.
  1. You get to read it! Yay!
  1. I’ll send you a final email the day before the book releases. This is a reminder e-mail to let you know your review should be posted to Amazon and any other e-book retailers or sites you feel comfortable posting to (Goodreads, B&N, ARE, etc.), on the following day. You can even write it ahead of time and have it ready to copy and paste on release day.
  1. ART members may also get exclusive access to some content or special surprises. You’ll have to join to see…


That’s it!

Does this mean I expect all 5 star reviews? No. Not everyone will love my books (though I hope you actually like them if you sign up), and not everyone will enjoy all my books equally. As a life-long reader, I completely understand that. It’s another reason why I’m giving readers the option of which of my books they’d like to read. Not everyone loves both those genres.

But reader reviews seriously help a book get noticed on Amazon! It helps other readers know what to anticipate in a story and whether it will fit their reading tastes. The number of reviews can also help authors when we apply for certain promotional opportunities. Every review I get on my books is a blessing—one for which I’m deeply grateful. All I ask is that you be honest, and don’t post any spoilers.

So, are you with me? Readers who join now will get to read the first in my Small Town Secrets series, BENEATH THE SURFACE, this month! In upcoming months, my next Harlequin Desire will be ready—THE BLACKSTONE HEIR. And the next Backstage Pass book featuring Nate.

So don’t wait! Send me that email now, and join the team. I can’t wait to get to know you and share special sneak peaks of my upcoming releases!


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