September 2013 News

It's September in the South, but the heat isn't quite ready to let go of us yet! Still, for those of us in the US, it means the kids are back in school and football season is here. Its a busy time for my little band geek (Book Worm) and Little Man as they return to the rhythms of getting up early, studying, and homework. [caption id="attachment_165" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Nearby Waterfall Nearby Waterfall[/caption] August passed in a blur as I started, and finished, the rough draft of my next Harlequin Desire. But revisions will have to wait, because I'm off mid-month to visit the beautiful vistas of Ireland! Traveling with my besties and sis to see some of the places I've only read about--and plot Sean's book while I'm there. He's the sexy Irish drummer who will be featured as the hero in the third Backstage Pass novel. Progress on Daniel's book has been slow because of my Harlequin commitment, but I'm hoping to have a more definitive timeline soon! My upcoming trip will provide some much needed creative inspiration. Sometimes artists forget how important it is to refill the well from which we mine our ideas. Drops Become Trickles I was reminded of this (yes, I do need a reminder upside the head now & then) when I went with sis on a road trip to hear one of my favorite authors speak: Lexi Blake! Talk about a genuine, heartfelt woman! We listened, learned, and laughed the day away. It reminded me of Nationals, but not nearly as exhausting.  :) I still have a lot to learn about writing (and probably always will), and listening to any subject that interests me, viewing art, and allowing myself to just soak in knowledge is so refreshing. Heck, talking with other artists can do the same thing! My chaotic schedule doesn't allow for it often enough, but I really need to make time for it regularly. It energizes my writing and makes me a happier person. I hope y'all find a wealth of inspiration as fall colors and cooler weather make their way in (or new spring growth in other parts of the world)! Watch the blog later this month for pictures from my trip! Don't forget to keep updated with me day-to-day on Facebook (see sidebar link) or on Twitter as @daniwade1 . Dani

My Sexy Saturday: Snow Bound

For those who might like a little cool during the summer heat...

Snow Bound From Snow Bound: With a sudden snap, the room went dark. The transition from softly lit home office to the pitch-black that can only occur living in the back of beyond took a little adjustment for Damon, but before his eyes cleared of squiggles and colored lights, he had his oversized flashlight palmed and on. Like his eyes, he let the rest of his body adjust to the new circumstances, which he’d been anticipating since heavy snow started coming down a couple of hours ago. Now instead of the croon of Toby Keith, he was left with utter stillness and the sound of the wind rushing against the eaves outside. The kick of his heartbeat after the surprise had automatically slowed, just as he’d done all the years he’d served his country in combat situations that required steady hands and complete focus. Though a strong snowstorm in the middle of February might not be a big deal for most parts of the country, the southern Tennessee valley was looking at complete and total shutdown for the next few days if they received the five inches the weatherman had been predicting since the day before. People here simply weren’t equipped or experienced with this kind of weather, which led to scary driving scenarios and a mad rush on the local Piggly Wiggly. Luckily Damon had managed to grab enough beer and chips to get him through, despite the little white-haired lady that had stared him down over the last bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos. Like a true Texas gentleman, he’d conceded and settled for Cool Ranch instead. Snow Bound is only 99 cents for the Labor Day weekend! Find it on Amazon and B&N!!! Check out more My Sexy Saturday posts HERE!

CONTEST: Where in the World is My Book?

UPDATE: Its been very exciting to spot my book around my own town. I hope  you are seeing it around yours! Keep those pictures coming in! I've got some great prizes to be had! (see submission info at the bottom of this post) Dani Harlequin Desire, Harlequin Debut author, His By Design, Dani Wade, romance author   A very special event happens this week--well, special to me, at least. My very first print book hits the shelves!!! I've had the pleasure of holding a copy in my hands, a pleasure 10 years in the I'll get to see one on an actual bookshelf! Harlequin Desire, His By Design, Dani Wade But over the next week, I hope you (the readers and fellow writers who have supported me so much along this journey) will join me in my excitement by sharing your experience of finding my book WITH ME. Today I'm asking, "Where in the world is my book?" Where in the world is my book?, contest, His by Design, Harlequin Desire If you see it, send me a picture of it on the shelf or in your hands or in its shipping box or even checking out at the cashier...  :)  I'll post random pictures on Facebook and Twitter, and next week I'll reveal the winners of some Great Prizes here on my blog! Submit the pictures to my email at . Be sure to include your name, email address, and the location the picture was taken from. The first prize winner gets a $25 gift card to either Amazon or Barnes&Noble, the runner up gets a $10 gift card, and a special giftie will be given for any honorable mentions. All you have to do to enter is answer (in photo form): Harlequin Desire, His by Design, Where in the world is my book?, Contest Where in the world is Dani Wade's book? Dani

RWA Nationals Recap

I had the privilege of attending Romance Writers of America's National Conference in Atlanta, GA this year! It's been several years since I've been able to go, and the fact that this was the year I was eligible for the pink SOLD! ribbon made it that much more special.

Dani Wade, RWA Nationals, First Sale



I helped out at the PASIC reception held at Miss Pittypat's Porch! This restaurant was incredible! Great food. genuine southern hospitality. and a really cool atmosphere.


[caption id="attachment_552" align="aligncenter" width="300"]PASIC, RWA Nationals, Miss Pittypat's Porch Authors Kira Sinclair. Dani Wade, Andrea Laurence[/caption]


I only got to attend 1 workshop while I was there but both the luncheon speeches were very inspirational! I'd forgotten how beneficial it is to listen to other authors talk about their journeys, the pitfalls and the high points. I came away with my creative well full and energized to write.


RWA Nationals, RITA Awards


The majority of my time at Nationals was focused on the RITA Awards ceremony, as I was on the Awards committee this year. But those rehearsals were all worth it! And I got to see my lovely sister, Ella Sheridan, on her big night! She was a finalist for RWA's Golden Heart Award for Paranormal Romance. She didn't win, but we still celebrated her first publishing contract by dancing the night away after the show.

[caption id="attachment_548" align="aligncenter" width="225"]RWA Nationals, Ella Sheridan, Dani Wade, Golden Heart Awards Authors Ella Sheridan, Dani Wade[/caption]

The other major event for me was meeting my editor for the very first time! Charles Griemsman is my editor at Harlequin Desire. It was wonderful getting to know him better, and attending a dinner with him and other Desire authors. They were all very welcoming and I truly enjoyed learning about each of these lovely ladies!


[caption id="attachment_549" align="aligncenter" width="300"]RWA Nationals, Dani Wade, Charles Griemsman, Harlequin Desire Dani Wade with editor Charles Griemsman[/caption][caption id="attachment_550" align="aligncenter" width="300"]RWA Nationals, Harlequin Desire, Desire authors Authors Anna DePalo, Katherine Garbera, Emily McKay, editor Charles Griemsman, Michelle Celmer, Dani Wade[/caption]


Probably my favorite time of the trip was the Harlequin Party! This annual event is put on by my publisher at Nationals to celebrate their authors. We danced, had desserts and drinks, and sang long into the night. I got to see my cover for His By Design make an appearance on the big screens hung near the dance floor. The Sale Shoes even made an appearance!!! It wouldn't be a Harlequin Party without them. 

[caption id="attachment_551" align="aligncenter" width="300"]RWA Nationals, Harlequin, Harlequin party, Ruby Slippered Sisterhood Authors Addison Fox. Liz Talley, Jennifer Bray-Weber, Dani Wade[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_553" align="aligncenter" width="225"]RWA Nationals, Sale Shoes, Harlequin, Harlequin Party, First Sale, Romance Authors Sale Shoes!!! Black-Dani Wade, Silver-Andrea Laurence, Brown-Kira Sinclair, slippers-Kimberly Lang (who had a good excuse for not wearing her sale shoes)[/caption]


Every year that I've attended a National Conference has taught me something about myself, has pushed me forward in a career I love so very much. This year was about stepping outside my comfort zone, meeting new people, and trying not to panic in the glass elevators.  :) And it was my first time to really enjoy being Dani Wade, author. I think I accomplished a lot, hopefully started some new friendships, and created some great memories. I can't wait to do it all again next year!



RWA Nationals Preview

Next week is the Romance Writers of America National conference, the ultimate conference in the US for romance writing professionals. It's THE place to learn, socialize, meet industry professionals, and network. My first RWA National conference was quite a few years ago in New York. I was both nervous and exhilarated at the same time. Five conferences later, that hasn't changed. Though I feel those same emotions for different reasons. This year I'll be meeting my Harlequin editor for the first time, assisting with the RITA awards production, putting faces to the names of my fellow Desire authors, and helping my little sis celebrate her Golden Heart final. I'll also get to attend as a PAN (Published Authors Network - recognition of an author achieving a certain level of professional sales with her writing) member, my debut year after making PAN with my first Harlequin contract. But I'll also get to meet up with authors I only get to see at conference (like my Ruby Slippered Sisters) and hopefully get to go to a workshop or two on topics that aren't widely available at chapter meetings. Though attending conference means 4 1/2 days of constant people, along with the stress of being "on" all the time, and even the good stress of catching up and meeting people, these times navigating crowds and learning to pull myself out of my comfort zone have been some of the biggest growth opportunities of my life. They've helped this introvert develop better people skills, more confidence, priorities, and learn to accept not being perfect. By Sunday morning I'm exhausted but happy. So next week I'll be silent (because I'll be prepping, then gone), but I hope to return with many, many happy memories and some pictures to share! Until then, share with us your most exciting/exhausting growing experiences. If you'd attended Nationals, what's your favorite memory?   Dani

Chin Up, Keep Moving

I recently went to visit my friend, author Kimberly Lang, for walking lessons. That's right. Walking lessons. Or more accurately, lessons for walking in high heels. I received a special gift for my first publishing contract: a pair of "sale shoes". I've worn moderate heels through the years, but these are 5 inch with a 1 inch platform (so its really like walking in 4 inch heels). And they are so special that I wanted to look natural wearing them -- not be the girl carefully picking her way through the lobby because she's afraid she'll fall in her fantabulous shoes.  :) Sale shoes, romance author, first sale, heels The lessons went great, and I learned one important thing -- walking with your chin up makes a world of difference in attitude. When she told me to stop watching my feet and lift my chin, I was amazed at the difference it made. My shoulders went back and I felt stronger, taller (something I could sure use), more centered. It made me look more confidence, even though I didn't feel that way at first. Fake it till you make it -- the old adage personified. Over the past 6 months, I've found myself looking down a lot in my writing journey too. I keep watching for the next obstacle, the next thing I have to work my way around or over, because delays keep popping up  everywhere. Its very frustrating, and more than a little scary for the person who likes to know exactly where she's going. So I have a feeling this little lesson is about more than shoes -- its about life. I'm trying (with the help of some friends and my hubby) to keep moving forward with my chin up. Rely on my instincts and keep an eye in the distance for what might be coming down the pike. In the long run, that will do me way more good than staring at the obstacles at my feet that I can do nothing about. And those shoes? Well, I walked my way through an entire readers' luncheon without faltering, so I know practice CAN make perfect. What obstacles have you caught up in the moment? What little things can you do to build your confidence and keep moving forward? Dani

First Reader Event: HOD Readers’ Luncheon

Last week, I had the privilege of attending my first reader event. Boy, was it exciting...and extra special to me. You see, the Heart of Dixie Annual Readers' Luncheon is an event I've been either coordinating or assisting with for 10 years as an unpublished author. This year I actually hosted a table and got to share my great publishing news with so many of the readers who encouraged me each year of my journey. Here are a few of the highlights: readers luncheon, Heart of Dixie RWA, Dani Wade, His By Design This is the lovely table I shared with historical author Cathy MacRae. Cool authentic police items to go with the "romantic thrillers" theme in honor of our guest speaker, JT Ellison, and a print of my first Harlequin cover that the luncheon committee had made as our author gifts. Heart of Dixie RWA, Readers Luncheon, Dani Wade, Luncheon authors 2013 Look at this awesome group of authors that hosted tables! Heart of Dixie RWA, author basket, readers luncheon, romance author, Dani Wade, His By Design   Heart of Dixie RWA, Dani Wade, His By Design, Readers Luncheon, table gifties This is the Dani Wade author basket I donated as a door prize. After years of creating raffle baskets for this event, I was over the moon to create one especially for me. And these are the "wedding favors" I put together for the readers at my table, since HIS BY DESIGN is set in a wedding gown design firm. Heart of Dixie RWA, Readers Luncheon, Book Signing, First Signing, Dani Wade, His By Design Even though I didn't have a print book available, I did sign swag for FINDING HER RHYTHM and SNOW BOUND at the author signing event. It gave me a chance to meet and talk with several new readers, which was totally fun. Meeting readers for the first time in my "author persona" made me nervous -- until I sat down and started talking. Then I simply smiled and enjoyed myself. Being surrounded by friends and fellow authors made it that much more special to me, especially my awesome Playfriends! (Marilyn Puett, Andrea Laurence, Kira Sinclair, Kimberly Lang, and me) Writing Playground, Playfriends, Dani Wade, Kimberly Lang, Andrea Laurence, Kira Sinclair, Heart of Dixie RWA Some really great memories! Dani

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