RomCon Blog Hop: Tax Day Relief!

RomCon, Tax Day Blog Hop, romance author, contemporary romantic suspense, romance, taxes Today is April 15th, and the Tax Man cometh...whether you're ready or not! I know, I too could use something to smile about after the stress of paying taxes (not to mention the stress of getting the paperwork right!). So I played my usual mind games to help myself forget about the stress and deadlines. I usually take a mental break and dream about my characters, but instead I dreamed of what might happen if the Tax Man looked like this: adrian-1 Or maybe like this: Visual Aids 10 Or if, when he showed up, it might end up something like this: Finding Her Rhythm, Backstage Pass Novella, romantic suspense, erotic romance, romance author, musician hero, Indie publishing But no...I just had to pay instead. *cries* Oh well, at least I get to spend the day with great readers like y'all!!! I love hearing from readers too, so share with us who YOUR fantasy Tax Man would be (actor? singer? book hero?). Comment with your email address and be entered to win an advanced electronic copy of my newest release, Finding Her Rhythm! Its not available until April 30th for everybody else! Find more Tax Day Fun at these cool websites: Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...

Nationals Or Bust: Week 1

Nationals or Bust Health Challenge: Week 1

Nationals or Bust, Healthy eating, diet challenge, RWA Nationals, writing, authors, exercise, sedentary job, weight loss, romance authors Something very special happened last week. My sister, author Ella Sheridan, was chosen as a finalist in the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart awards. This means she will be attending an Awards Night and many events at the RWA National conference this summer in July. I was nervous enough about going to this conference, because it will be my first time there as a published author. As a "curvy girl", I've really wanted to get into better shape for it, but kept putting off the start date (we all know how that goes, right?). Now we both have a reason to hunker down and get moving, but we hate to do it alone. We're hoping you will join us! Whether you are attending RWA Nationals or not, this will be a great time to band together and focus on our health through information, encouragement, and accountability. Participate as much or as little as you like, but the more you make your voice heard, the more encouragement we can offer and the more you'll get out of this process! So let's begin:

Have A Plan!

We do it all the time with our writing. I'll write 2 scenes a day until... I'll finish plotting and start writing by... We make goals and plans so we can see our target and reach it! There's nothing more satisfying than marking a task off a list (okay, maybe that's just me) or standing at the top of a mountain looking over everything you've worked so hard to achieve. Eyes on the prize, baby! After all, you can't sell a book you haven't written. Just like the general "I'm gonna write a book someday" doesn't get anyone anywhere, so the "I'll just cut back on my eating and exercise" rarely nets any discernible results. So, yes, even you pantsters out there need a plan! We all want to lose weight to look and feel our best at National Conference in July. That's 15 weeks from today! 15 weeks, weight loss, romance authors, Nationals or Bust You don't have to post your plan here, but having one will help you see what you've accomplished and what you need to work on. What you've gotten control over and what still needs more focus. I suggest 1 or 2 options: 1. Decide on a food and exercise plan, instituting it all at once. That's right, from Day 1. It might be a little overwhelming the first week or two (especially after all that Easter candy), but you'll soon settle into a groove. 2. If you need more variety, try creating a very basic plan, then adding on to it each week by introducing a new "focus". For instance, one week you can focus on adding more strength training to your exercise routine, or eating more veggies, or drinking a certain amount of water, or trying a new sport. This can keep things interesting. Seriously, I'm nobody's motivational guru -- I've failed at more diets than most people have started. So when I post, I'm preaching to the choir here. But I've always worked better in a group and with accountability. I'd love to run into each and every one of you at Nationals and pat you on the back for all you've accomplished between now and then. SO LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!! Introduce yourself in the comments and post your plan/goals if you want to. Each Wednesday we'll have a check-in for those who want to talk about their progress, problems, or pitfalls. Offer encouragement, advice, or high-fives -- we need them all. I look forward to getting to know everyone. Invite your friends, and let's look back on these 15 weeks with pride, having found a few new friends along the way. Dani Wade

Today, I wish…

Today, I wish... I could write faster and cleaner, so I could get my stories out of my head and to my readers sooner! I had no need for sleep, so I could have more time to spend with my family, despite writing and a full-time job. I could lose 20 lbs eating cake and Krispy Kreme donuts. (Until then, I wish they made a special suit that transformed my body into a svelte goddess, but didn't cut off my circulation.) Every house came equipped with a maid and a cook. Karma would make an appointment for coming back to bite people who do harm just because they can -- so that I could be there to see it happen. At the same time, I wish those who help others without thought to themselves could be rewarded 5X what they deserve! And I could hand deliver the reward! Children could remember the important stuff they need me to do more than 5 minutes in advance. That I could remember the important stuff more than 5 minutes in advance, without having to write it down! Today, what do you wish for? Dani   I love hearing from my readers! For every comment in the month of March, you are entered into a drawing for a $5 Amazon gift card. Simply comment with your email address. I'll draw for the winner on March 31st!

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