Savor The Accomplishment

Recently, a non-writing friend asked, “Do you ever look back and think, ‘Wow, I wrote XX number of books last year?’” Hmmm... honestly, I don’t. But I should. Because when I did stop to think about it, it totally blew my mind! Just in my published works, I have 3 contemporary romances written and released, 1 written and scheduled for fall, and 3 in some stage of production. That doesn’t include the 6 additional stories I wrote before I published.   [caption id="attachment_731" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Kira Sinclair, Harlequin Blaze, Playfriends, sexy contemporary romance Titles by author Kira Sinclair[/caption] It’s pretty astounding to realize I’ve completed that many stories. Most aspiring authors finish 1 book, maybe 2. I have a lot of accomplishments under my belt for a new author.  :) Why don’t I savor these milestones more? I think, when you are a published author working on a publishing deadline, your focus is always ahead to the next book, the next deadline, the tasks on the list left to be done. There’s little time for looking back. But we should.   [caption id="attachment_732" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Kimberly Lang, Andrea Laurence, sexy contemporary romance, Harlequin Desire, romance authors Titles by Kimberly Lang & Andrea Laurence[/caption] This reminds me of when my kids were babies. There was so much that needed to be done in any given day, that savoring the wonder of having these children in my life was virtually impossible—unless I reminded myself to STOP and look for it. But when I did then...and I do now...what incredible beauty I see!   [caption id="attachment_733" align="aligncenter" width="212"]Marilyn Baxter, Tea for Two, contemporary romance, novella, romance author, playfriends Title by Marilyn Baxter[/caption] I have a group of friends who have been tight knit since long before we published. Now we are ALL published authors. Between us we have numerous novels and novellas. It’s incredible to think about what we’ve accomplished in the 10 years we’ve known each other. Throughout this post are pictures of our books. Looking at them makes me smile. For the record, that’s a good thing when you’re on deadline! Dani Takeaway: What accomplishments should you stop and savor? What memories make you smile in the midst of your current hard work?

I’m Back!

But I left my brain somewhere in Ireland, I think.  :) I had a wonderful trip and saw so many cool things! Not to mention inspiration for Sean's book, my upcoming Irish drummer. Here's a small glimpse of the pictures, but there are tons of them on my Facebook Page if you'd like to check it out! Enjoy!   [caption id="attachment_592" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dani Wade, Ireland trip, St. Stephens Green, Dublin, Ireland Dani at St. Stephen's Green Park in Dublin, Ireland[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_593" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dani Wade, Ella Sheridan, Killarney, Ireland Dani with Ella Sheridan in Killarney Pub for my first cider[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_595" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dani Wade, Ross Castle, Killarney, Ireland Ross Castle in Killarney, Ireland[/caption]   Dani Wade, Ross Castle, Killarney, Ireland   [caption id="attachment_596" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Dani Wade, Blarney Castle, Ireland Blarney Castle, Ireland[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_597" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dani Wade, Blarney Castle, Blarney Stone, Ireland Trying to kiss the Blarney Stone--its not as easy as it looks![/caption]   [caption id="attachment_599" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dani Wade, Stonehenge, Ireland, Wales, Stonehenge - Cool place, awful hair day![/caption]   [caption id="attachment_600" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dani Wade, Stonehenge, Ireland, Wales, UK, Marilyn Baxter, Andrea Laurence, Kira Sinclair, Kimberly Lang With my best friends: Marilyn Baxter, Andrea Laurence, Kira Sinclair, Kimberly Lang at Stonehenge[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_601" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dani Wade, Tower Bridge, Thames River, Tower of London, UK, England Tower Bridge over the Thames River near Tower of London[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_602" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Dani Wade, London Tube, Lori Handeland, Ella Sheridan, Linda Winstead Jones, Linda Howard, London, UK, England My London Tube buddies: Lori Handeland, Ella Sheridan, Linda Winstead Jones, Linda Howard[/caption]   Did I get any work done while I was gone? Very little!  :)  But I felt like the entire trip was one big research experience and creativity renewal exercise. Plus I got to spend quality time with some wonderful people in my life and meet all kinds of cool new people. I was exhausted when I returned, but it was totally worth it! Where was your last "dream" vacation? Dani        

First Reader Event: HOD Readers’ Luncheon

Last week, I had the privilege of attending my first reader event. Boy, was it exciting...and extra special to me. You see, the Heart of Dixie Annual Readers' Luncheon is an event I've been either coordinating or assisting with for 10 years as an unpublished author. This year I actually hosted a table and got to share my great publishing news with so many of the readers who encouraged me each year of my journey. Here are a few of the highlights: readers luncheon, Heart of Dixie RWA, Dani Wade, His By Design This is the lovely table I shared with historical author Cathy MacRae. Cool authentic police items to go with the "romantic thrillers" theme in honor of our guest speaker, JT Ellison, and a print of my first Harlequin cover that the luncheon committee had made as our author gifts. Heart of Dixie RWA, Readers Luncheon, Dani Wade, Luncheon authors 2013 Look at this awesome group of authors that hosted tables! Heart of Dixie RWA, author basket, readers luncheon, romance author, Dani Wade, His By Design   Heart of Dixie RWA, Dani Wade, His By Design, Readers Luncheon, table gifties This is the Dani Wade author basket I donated as a door prize. After years of creating raffle baskets for this event, I was over the moon to create one especially for me. And these are the "wedding favors" I put together for the readers at my table, since HIS BY DESIGN is set in a wedding gown design firm. Heart of Dixie RWA, Readers Luncheon, Book Signing, First Signing, Dani Wade, His By Design Even though I didn't have a print book available, I did sign swag for FINDING HER RHYTHM and SNOW BOUND at the author signing event. It gave me a chance to meet and talk with several new readers, which was totally fun. Meeting readers for the first time in my "author persona" made me nervous -- until I sat down and started talking. Then I simply smiled and enjoyed myself. Being surrounded by friends and fellow authors made it that much more special to me, especially my awesome Playfriends! (Marilyn Puett, Andrea Laurence, Kira Sinclair, Kimberly Lang, and me) Writing Playground, Playfriends, Dani Wade, Kimberly Lang, Andrea Laurence, Kira Sinclair, Heart of Dixie RWA Some really great memories! Dani

Field Trip: Writing Playground

Most of the Playfriends are gone to the Romantic Times convention this week, so I thought I'd host a little party on the Writing Playground blog! Come check out the hunky hero I most wish I could party with and comment to win some Release Week goodies! [caption id="attachment_61" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The Writing Playground, Romance Authors, Kira Sinclair, Kimberly Lang, Andrea Laurence, Marilyn Puett, Dani Wade The Playfriends from The Writing Playground (L to R) Dani Wade, Kimberly Lang, Kira Sinclair, Andrea Laurence, Marilyn Puett[/caption]

Outta Here!

It's finally here! I'm going on vacation with some of my girlfriends, hanging out, writing, plotting, and relaxing in the hot tub.  :)  Unfortunately I have to leave the fam behind, and I'll feel incredibly guilty about that while I'm gone. Okay, maybe not "incredibly" guilty. But all my talk about "rest" has to lead somewhere, right? Other good news! Fabu editor has chosen and approved a title for my August 2013 Desire: HIS BY DESIGN! I love it and can't wait to see the cover. I should be ready for line edits any day now.  So its good news day! Share yours with us!

Field Trip: The Writing Playground


Snow Bound My awesome friends at The Writing Playground are hosting me today for my Debut Release! Snow Bound, my sexy suspense novella, is now available from Amazon. I'd love for you to join me as I blog about exciting firsts! And there will be a giftie up for grabs! Comment for a chance to win a $5 amazon gift card, Fall Festival candle, and Godiva chocolate gems. Yum! And if you'd like a chance to see my inspiration for hottie hero Damon West of Snow Bound, I've got pictures up at my critique partner Ella Sheridan's website, The Mutual Admiration Society, for Foto Friday. Double yum!


Hmmm… blogging on my own has been quite a scary venture.  I know you're probably thinking doing something alone is a strange fear for someone my age, but the truth is, I've rarely been on my own in life. As a twin, I grew up with my sister by my side – never having to go into a social situation or new class on my own. We went to the same school, even had the same major in college. Then I married hubby and had someone else to go places with me or at least talk to about it when I came home. The kids were with me for school events and church. The Playfriends have been with me through a long list of personal and professional events, including national conferences, submissions, rejections, and my first sale. I've only taken a few steps in my life all by my lonesome. Two of them have made dramatic changes in my personal and professional lives. The first was when I decided to write my very first story. I vividly remember the sick feeling of excitement in my stomach as I told my husband what I wanted to do. Imagine my surprise when he simply replied, "Okay," as if this were a normal, perfectly natural revelation. Others weren't as supportive, but my family has remained an incredible cheer squad throughout my journey. More recently, I took another step alone. At least, the first step, the decision part. Along the way I've had some wonderful people join me, teach me, and assist me. It's become one of the most enjoyable steps I've taken in a long time. I decided to self-publish some of my work. I chose a novella that has a wonderful origin. A few years ago, when I was struggling mightily with rejection and writers block, I sought the counsel of one of my mentors and beloved friend, Maven Linda Winstead Jones. Her suggestion? Write something you love and enjoy, focusing simply on bringing those characters to life. Taking her advice, I wrote Snow Bound. I love this story about a burnt out military hero and the good girl of Cadence, TN, fending off a convict bent on revenge while snowed into her isolated farmhouse. So I've decided to bring it to readers in my own way and my own time. My incredible (and incredibly patient) cover artist Scott Carpenter created the cover for me:   [caption id="attachment_175" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Snow Bound My Very First Cover![/caption]   I love it! My awesome sister, Ella Sheridan, is helping out by lending me her professional editing skills so this baby goes into the world in tip top shape. I’m very excited. My debut release will hit the electronic shelves this November. I'm putting together a blog tour and will be sharing milestones along this journey with my friends and readers here on my blog and at the Writing Playground. This decision has been nerve-wracking, exciting, fun, and scary, but it’s the most rewarding thing I've done in a long time. While I’m just as excited about my print debut with Harlequin Desire in August 2013, I look forward to releasing more of my work myself, because it is a very rewarding creative process that feeds the writer within. Often, it is those steps we make alone that define us, that reward us, whether through courage gained, new experiences, positive feedback, or strength built. I look forward to sharing more of this journey with you. What solitary step have you taken that's turned into one of the most rewarding adventures of your life?  Dani

Where Dreams and Reality Collide

There's nothing more rewarding than being a mother—at least, that's what they told me. [they didn't mention dirty diapers, pre-teen attitudes, and sleepless nights, but  parenting is still rewarding despite those things] I grew up in a religious community that highly valued motherhood, and most of the women I was exposed to didn't work outside the home. Actually they didn't have many interests that pointed outside their homes either, focusing mostly on sewing, decorating, and crafty stuff for their families. Which is a perfectly acceptable lifestyle, if that’s what you and your family want. When I decided I wanted to write romance, my daughter was two. Just like I found time around her naps and meals to clean house, I scrounged out time to pursue my dreams: brainstormed, plotted, and wrote while she played next to me, watched a cartoon, or slept. As my family grew, along with my dream, incorporating them together became much harder. Time is finite, as is energy, and quite honestly I'm not Super Woman (except when the hubby demands I wear the cape). So I've had to get, well, creative. As I say in my bio, my journey often takes me through the valley of dirty dishes, school assignments, and what the heck are we having for dinner moments. But I've found a few coping strategies to get me through the insanity without going 'round the bend. 1. Lower your standards (along with everyone else's). I never felt so validated as when I read an interview with a best selling author, where she admitted that one reason she could keep up the pace of her writing was because her house wasn’t always clean. Thank you, Lord! While we aren’t in danger of being reported to the local authorities, my house is nowhere near spotless. The yard—maybe we shouldn’t even go there! In order to spend time on my writing and quality time with my family (not to mention the necessary day job), cleaning isn’t high on my priority list. Luckily, I have a family that doesn’t really care, and I ignore any extended family  that would be bold enough to voice their opinions. (if they don’t like it, they are welcome to come clean themselves!) When the carpet starts to get dirty and dirty dishes start overflowing onto the counter, its time for me to clean. And to force myself to do deep cleaning a couple times a year, I’ll have a big party or family to visit. I also insist that the family do their fair share. My kids are old enough to do their own laundry (even my son at 8) and they all have certain chores that are their responsibility. I think it’s a necessary evil for them to see what all goes into keeping a house up, and I remind myself that when they eventually move out (in the distant future) they will not be clueless about reality. Image 2. Steal every small bit of time you can – well, not every small bit. I’ve been juggling writing, work, and family for a long time. Ten years, in fact. In the beginning (that sounds ominous, doesn’t it?), I used every single second I could find to write. Whatever wasn’t taken by children and family. Now I realize that if I schedule every second, then I burn out – fast and furious. I do spend a lot of time multi-tasking: I never just watch television without writing/editing/reading as well and most computer surfing has to do with writing or the business of writing. But too much drive will have my well dry pretty quick. I make judicious use of my time, but I also allow myself to “chill” every so often. Reading just for pleasure. (Just) watching a movie. Hanging out with the fam. Or window shopping with no pressure to be anywhere. If I find myself with a day off from work, you won’t find me cleaning or running errands unless I absolutely have no choice. I have always maintained that refilling your well is important, but I could write an entire post just on that.  :) 3. Create time for special moments. In the same way that I put aside time for writing, I have to consciously schedule time for my family. We authors often get caught up in the process and business of writing, which never ends. I remind myself of that and set it aside for a time to just be with the hubby and kids. Movie night with hubby and/or daughter. Shopping. Special school events. But mostly I try to do something “they” want to do. Let them have that sleepover I’ve been putting off. Meander down a road my teenage daughter (Book Worm) finds intriguing. Listen (and pay attention) when Little Man tells me about his video games. Hang out at the book store. Make a Starbucks run. Little things they enjoy that I often put off in the face of a looming deadline. 4. Let go of the guilt (an ongoing process). Yep, this one never has and never will come easy. Like most women, I experience an overabundance of guilt. I often feel like I’m not giving enough attention to either my family or my writing. I have to step back, look at my time realistically, and realize I can’t do it all. Then breathe deep, and blow the guilt away. I figure simply being conscious of it and continuing to juggle priorities means everyone will eventually get their turn. 5. When all else fails, b*tch to your friends. I wouldn’t survive without my sister, mother, and the Playfriends. When life gets overwhelming, they’re just a phone call away and always willing to listen. Sometimes they simply lend an open ear, sometimes they offer advice, and sometimes they call me on my own behavior. But the simply act of talking it out always makes things seem better, and not so lonely. As you can see, this writer has a (tenuous) grasp on making her dreams come true, even in the face of pesky reality. It can be tough, and I learn more with every year (boy, that makes me feel old). But my family and I work it out, and I hope that my children see how very hard I pursue something that I love. One day, I hope they too have something that they want enough to chase the dream! How do you balance your dreams, family, work, and down time? I’d love any coping strategies you’d like to share!

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