Top 10 Faves: Desserts

Today, as I mourn the start of another round of deprivation (otherwise known as a diet), I give you my list of Top 10 All-Time Favorite Desserts: 1. Krispy Kreme Sour Cream/Hot Glazed donuts (both are my favorite in their own special way—as my bio will attest) 2. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups 3. Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake 4. Reese’s Peanut Butter Trees 5. My Mama’s Cheesecake 6. Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins 7. Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Icing 8. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs 9. Twix Bars 10. Dark Chocolate Anything! cheesecake, Dani Wade, Top 10 Faves, romance author Takeaway: So you can enjoy what I can’t, here’s my Mama’s Cheesecake recipe. Be sure to eat a piece for me! Dani QUICK & EASY CHEESECAKE 2-8oz. packages cream cheese (don’t skimp by getting low fat!) 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 4 tsp. vanilla 16 oz. sour cream 2 graham cracker crusts   Use a mixer to combine the cream cheese, eggs, and half of the sugar/vanilla in a bowl. Pour half into each crust and bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Mix sour cream and rest of sugar/vanilla with a spoon. Pour on top of the two pies and bake for 5 minutes at 400 degrees. Refrigerate after cooling.   * Cheesecake photo by Whym (WikiCommons)  

Savor The Accomplishment

Recently, a non-writing friend asked, “Do you ever look back and think, ‘Wow, I wrote XX number of books last year?’” Hmmm... honestly, I don’t. But I should. Because when I did stop to think about it, it totally blew my mind! Just in my published works, I have 3 contemporary romances written and released, 1 written and scheduled for fall, and 3 in some stage of production. That doesn’t include the 6 additional stories I wrote before I published.   [caption id="attachment_731" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Kira Sinclair, Harlequin Blaze, Playfriends, sexy contemporary romance Titles by author Kira Sinclair[/caption] It’s pretty astounding to realize I’ve completed that many stories. Most aspiring authors finish 1 book, maybe 2. I have a lot of accomplishments under my belt for a new author.  :) Why don’t I savor these milestones more? I think, when you are a published author working on a publishing deadline, your focus is always ahead to the next book, the next deadline, the tasks on the list left to be done. There’s little time for looking back. But we should.   [caption id="attachment_732" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Kimberly Lang, Andrea Laurence, sexy contemporary romance, Harlequin Desire, romance authors Titles by Kimberly Lang & Andrea Laurence[/caption] This reminds me of when my kids were babies. There was so much that needed to be done in any given day, that savoring the wonder of having these children in my life was virtually impossible—unless I reminded myself to STOP and look for it. But when I did then...and I do now...what incredible beauty I see!   [caption id="attachment_733" align="aligncenter" width="212"]Marilyn Baxter, Tea for Two, contemporary romance, novella, romance author, playfriends Title by Marilyn Baxter[/caption] I have a group of friends who have been tight knit since long before we published. Now we are ALL published authors. Between us we have numerous novels and novellas. It’s incredible to think about what we’ve accomplished in the 10 years we’ve known each other. Throughout this post are pictures of our books. Looking at them makes me smile. For the record, that’s a good thing when you’re on deadline! Dani Takeaway: What accomplishments should you stop and savor? What memories make you smile in the midst of your current hard work?

Not Fast. Good.

I’ve gotten in a big rush lately. It makes sense. My life is chaotic and my To Do List never ends. Sometimes you get in that mode of pushing through to the next task, desperate to simply have something completed. Checking things off a To Do List can be oddly addictive when the tasks seem neverending. But I recently realized quantity doesn’t equal quality. Or rather, I was reminded.  :)  I’d forgotten in the mad rush to “complete” things. That frustrates me. As much as I want Daniel’s book on the virtual shelves, rushing to complete his book won’t result in a good book—a book I can be proud of. My most recent Harlequin, Book 2 in the Mill Town Millionaires series, took longer than I anticipated to finish. To do it (and Daniel's book) justice, I have to put off releasing the next Backstage Pass book, Settling the Score, until later this Spring. I’m trying to remember that my current chaotic state won’t last forever. I’d rather please my readers with a good story, rather than a quick read. (Hopefully my readers will agree.) These are all decisions that have to be made as an Indie writer. Harlequin sets my deadlines for their books. And I know Awesome Editor would put me through another round of revisions if he wasn’t happy with the story. I can do no less for books of which I alone serve as author, publisher, and promoter. But to make up for the wait, I want to give you a peek at the cover! My newsletter subscribers have already seen it, but they’re the only ones. I’m so thrilled with it! My cover artist, Elizabeth Wallace, has done a fantastic job. The cover echoes the opening scene of the book, when Daniel finally let’s go of years of control and shows Becca exactly what she’s been missing. Settling The Score, Dani Wade, Backstage Pass series, sexy contemporary romance, rock star heroes, cover reveal Pretty sexy, huh? I’ll be releasing an excerpt in a few weeks, again first in my newsletter, so be sure to sign up to catch the first sneak peek! And watch here and my FB/Twitter pages for first news on the rescheduled release date. Dani Takeaway: What’s one thing where you prefer to have quality over quickness?

Are You a WIP?

There’s an interesting acronym in the writing world: WIP. This stands for Work In Progress and designates the current project in production. Whether its being plotted, drafted, revised, etc. It’s in the process of being perfected. Something I’m coming to realize is that many areas of my life are WIPs. Obviously my children, who change almost daily. But also my writing career, my parenting skills, my marriage (even after 18 years)...everything is continually being tweaked and improved upon (hopefully). So the next time life threatens to overwhelm you, remember you are a WIP, and cut yourself some very loving slack.  :)  Pamper yourself, take a break, have a bit of fun and a night off. Then check back in tomorrow, and start refining again. Dani  

Living the (Real) Dream

In this day and age, there’s a lot of talk about ‘going after your dreams’ and ‘achieving your dreams’. I highly recommend it. After all, I spent 10 years trying to sell my first novel-length story. I fought hard for my dream, and pushed through the barriers of fear, pride, and uncertainty in order to achieve it. But there are a few things “they” don’t tell you about achieving your dreams: 1. The work doesn’t stop. Either another goal appears, or you have to continue working just to maintain your dreams. Mostly likely, its both. Dreams don’t lead to easy street. 2. Not everyone will support you. Some will see you as selfish for focusing on something you want. Some will want a piece of your pie without working for it. Some will want to tear you down because of jealousy or just plain meanness. And some people will simply be indifferent, because it isn’t their dream. 3. Some people will more than support you. They’ll actually put their belief in you into action, going out of their way to help you live your dreams. This selflessness on the part of others is an extremely humbling experience, which means... 4. Support from others doesn’t always feel good. Knowing that someone is giving of their time and energy to help you can lead to guilt, guilt, and more guilt, even though you are more than grateful. Especially for women. 5. Your other responsibilities don’t end. Most authors don’t sit around eating bonbons all day. The day I sold my first novel, I still had to finish out the day at my day job, pick the kids up from school, and cook dinner. 6. Achieving a momentous moment that’s part of your dream is as incredible as they say it is! 7. That incredible high doesn’t last forever. Because dreams aren’t really this finite thing we achieve, they are more like a journey. There are high ridges, and low valleys. Be prepared for both. 8. Did I mention the work doesn’t end? 9. Everything in life doesn’t fall into place, just because you’ve reached this tremendous milestone. Its not like winning the lottery. Most likely, you can’t just quit your day job and land in the lap of luxury. 10. “Living the dream” may not match your expectations, but trust me, you’ll still want it just as much as you did the day you started. Living the Dream is not for sissies. :) Dani Takeaway: What's the most important dream you've worked to achieve in your life? Don't miss my next newsletter! Every edition has a winner of a very special prize pack. Click here to join my newsletter email list.


Our family experienced 3 very special occasions recently: the birth of a new cousin, assisting in another cousin’s preparations for her first military ball, and Book Worm’s birthday (which puts her solidly into teenage territory). All were emotional moments for me. Its been a while since we had a baby in the family – 4 years, in fact. So meeting this new little one reminded me of so many things from when my kids were born. On the other hand, seeing the maturity in my niece and daughter reminded me how short of a time I have left with my oldest child. Both of these situations led to a lot of reminiscing with my kids and husband. Hearing their questions and surprise brought home that, even though I’m a storyteller, I don’t often share the stories closest to my hear – our stories. Whereas my Mama tells family stories over and over until we know them by heart, I don’t relate so many parts of our family history that have made our family and us as individuals who we are. Scrapbooks, family memories, dani wade, author, family, reminiscing We rarely have that metaphorical “sit around the campfire swapping stories” time, though when we do, my kids love it. Which means we should do it more often. Shame on me! Looks like I have some new storytelling muscles to develop! And way more chewing the fat moments to savor in our busy lives. Takeaway: Whether you’re a writer of not, we all of us have stories that make us who we are. What’s your favorite family story? Dani      

Diet Coke Addict

Hello. My name is Dani Wade, and I’m a coke addict – Diet Coke, that is. dietcoke There, I admit it. I have friends with more refined tastes, drinkers of hot tea or coffee. But my desires run closer to a burger compared to their prime rib. I’ve tried to limit it, tried to go without... But the minute I’m tired or down (or in the middle of a writing push), this is what I want. diet coke 2 I know its bad for me. Full of chemicals. And causes all kinds of havoc on the sugar centers in my brain. But its what I want. Maybe 1 day, Diet Coke and I will part ways. I’ll develop a new love that’s good for me and still gives me that rush of cold energy and delicious taste! But today is not that day... Until then, Diet Coke lovers unite! Be productive! Be coherent! Be proud! Takeaway: We all have our little vices, don’t we? What’s your (legal) addiction? Dani Have you signed up for my newsletter? There's another one coming soon, and each month there will be a winner of a Reader's Prize Pack filled with goodies! Sign up now for your chance to win each month!  

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