Nationals or Bust Week 7: The Value of Rewards

Nationals or Bust, Healthy eating, diet challenge, RWA Nationals, writing, authors, exercise, sedentary job, weight loss, romance authors We’re working hard to slim down before RWA Nationals in July through healthy eating, exercise, sharing information, and accountability. Join us any time along the way, introduce yourself and post goals, or just contribute to the conversation! We’re here to share! Welcome Ella Sheridan, who is sharing with us about rewarding ourselves this week!    When B. F. Skinner coined the term “operant conditioning,” we finally had a scientific name for a concept that has been around since the beginning of time: our behavior is modified by its consequences. Call it reward and punishment, reinforce and punisher, whatever; the truth is, rewards make us do more of an action and punishments make us do less. When it comes to losing weight, rewards are key. I used to reward myself with food—stupid, I know. I’m trying to get away from food, not use it to feed my addiction. Now I give myself a free meal once a week, including dessert, not because I need a reward but because I understand that deprivation leads to bingeing. If I don’t allow myself to have something on a limited schedule, I’m guaranteed to break at some point and gorge myself on all the things I keep away from myself the rest of the time. That’s a safety net, not a reward. So what do I reward myself with? Some of you have heard me talk about gold stars. I decided I needed immediate feedback on my daily efforts. I couldn’t reward myself with food, so what did I use? Well, I took a page out of my childhood book and put a gold start beside every day on my food diary where I have fulfilled ALL of my goals for that day. When I get seven of those stars, I give myself a non-food-related treat. A new shirt. An album off iTunes. A trip to the dollar movie theater. I’m not certain it matters what you reward yourself with as long as it makes you feel good. Make yourself a list; check it when you are doing well and boost that good feeling with some positive reinforcement. Press.sized I also give myself a number-related reward. Every five pounds. Every ten pounds. Every two pounds, doesn’t matter as long as you have a set schedule and stick to it. Knowing when you hit that five-pound mark and you get that new pair of jeans to replace the ones that are too big for you right now might just be the incentive you need to get through the week of hormone-related, I-can’t-get-enough-chocolate-to-save-my-life cravings from he**. My next incentive, when I hit the ten-pound loss mark, is a new bra and panty set from Soma. It’s been so long since I felt beautiful in my underwear, none of which is pretty. I can’t wait to go pick out something I can enjoy every time I put clothes over it—or when I take them off. c;  Challenge: So what’s your reward list? How often do you reward yourself? Do you need to do it more often? Let’s throw out some ideas to help each other build our list of “operant conditioning reinforcers”—and yes, cabana boys and chocolates count, if they’re real, not virtual (Bonnie! c;).

Field Trip: Writing Playground

Most of the Playfriends are gone to the Romantic Times convention this week, so I thought I'd host a little party on the Writing Playground blog! Come check out the hunky hero I most wish I could party with and comment to win some Release Week goodies! [caption id="attachment_61" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The Writing Playground, Romance Authors, Kira Sinclair, Kimberly Lang, Andrea Laurence, Marilyn Puett, Dani Wade The Playfriends from The Writing Playground (L to R) Dani Wade, Kimberly Lang, Kira Sinclair, Andrea Laurence, Marilyn Puett[/caption]

Field Trip: Ruby Sisters Celebrate Finding Her Rhythm

Finding Her Rhythm, Backstage Pass Novella, romantic suspense, erotic romance, romance author, musician hero, Indie publishing I'm celebrating release day for Finding Her Rhythm, my new Indie release, with the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood today! Join us for a party and the chance to win an Amazon/B&N gift card. Ruby Slippered Sisterhood, Golden Heart Finalist, romance authors, RWA Nationals   This first installment in the Backstage Pass series is up on Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords. Find it here: Amazon B&N Smashwords

Nationals or Bust Week 3: Work It Girl! with Ella Sheridan

We’re working hard to slim down before RWA Nationals in July through healthy eating, exercise, sharing information, and accountability. Join us any time along the way, introduce yourself and post goals, or just contribute to the conversation! We’re here to share! Nationals or Bust, Healthy eating, diet challenge, RWA Nationals, writing, authors, exercise, sedentary job, weight loss, romance authors Today I have the privilege of hosting my own sister, Ella Sheridan, as she shares some motivation from her own journey! Don't Wish For It; Work For It. Over the past few months, this has become my mantra. I’ve spent a lot of the last thirty or so years wishing my weight was something it wasn’t, wishing my body was different, wishing everything I wanted wasn’t so hard. And you know what? Wishing got me exactly what I put into it: almost nothing. About two years ago, I tore my rotator cuff in my right shoulder during karate training. It was an accident brought on totally by me, not my partner (I turned the wrong way during a throw). I went to the doctor, went through physical therapy, but the injury never truly healed. Finally, last November, my husband and I decided enough was enough and I went back to the orthopedist, who scheduled me for surgery. The week before Christmas, I was under the knife with a minimum four-month recovery period ahead of me. Yeah, not an easy task. Here’s the thing: shoulders rotate more than any joint in the body. Can you imagine how hard it is to function when that rotation is now severely limited by ultratight screws, ties, and anchors? Very hard. I was unable to do any cardio exercise for around two months because the jarring hurt so badly, but I came out of therapy three times a week sweating like a dog and crying because it hurt so horribly just to stretch. I had to do it, though; there was no other choice, not if I wanted to heal and heal right. As time went on, the therapists and I noticed something that frustrated us both. I couldn’t relax enough to let them take me from mostly healed to completely healed. I didn’t trust them enough not to hurt me beyond what I could bear, and so they could only push me so far. (Honestly, they told me just about every session that they’d never had a patient with such horrible trust issues, lol.) To get beyond where they could take me, I had to do it; if I ever wanted full function of my shoulder again, I had to be the one to push myself, not them. Considering I’m a black-belt karate instructor and need full function to continue teaching, wishing and not working was not an option. So I did the work. Do The Work, Healthy Writer, Romance Authors, Nationals or Bust, RWA Nationals, Dani Wade, Ella Sheridan Every day, my shoulder gets stronger. It might be months before I have complete rotational ability again, but I will get there. And it might be months before I arrive at a good, stable, healthy weight for me, but I will get there. I’m now willing to do the work, not just wish the work was done and I looked the way I want to. We all have to be willing to do the work to be healthy, happy writers. That means overcoming obstacles, sacrificing what we need to sacrifice, refusing to accept our own excuses, and committing to long-term diligence, not just this day or this week or this month. We have. To do. The work. Will I ever be skinny? No. Will that wish I had as a teenager of being like all the other thin girls who never have to worry about what they eat ever come true? No. But I can and will be healthy. I can and will be the best I can be in the body God gave me. I can and will…if I do the work. Challenge: Where could you put more effort into your workouts? Eating habits? Stress relief? Share with us today!

Field Trips: It’s 2 in 1 Day!

I'm a busy woman! Somehow I managed to book myself in 2 places on 1 day. How'd that happen? But I know you'll love these blogs (and I could use all the comment-love I can get)! So join me as I visit these fabulous blogs: I'm sharing my First Call story with the Pink Heart Society Blog: And I'm an Author Spotlight on Anne Lange's blog:  

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